bras and more at TJ max (divici sf syrups) cheap
I went to TJ max to fine what those bras, man are they great but THEY DID NOT HAVE MY SIZE grrrrrr never been to TJ befor, I was there for about 2 hours and guess what I found the BIG bottles of divici sf syrups for 5.99, I bought what they had they were in where house wears were and the groument foods down on a bottom shelf pushed back they where hard to find I just happend to see it. I bought 6 bottles of different flavers I dont even have enough room to store all them.LOL but that is ok. Now if I can use them and make some good protein drinks or if anyone has some good recipes to send along that would be great.

I got 2 rasberry 1 white choclate 1french Vanilla, 1 Vanilla, 1 Amaretto,
I have peanut butter,khula,carmal,vanilla,watermelon Now I just need to learn how to use them in some good drinks PROTEIN hopefull but I am up for any ideas. Yea the wacoal bras I have never heard of them but I seen them and they are a nice bra wish they had my size.....
You can take the raspberry and put some in tea. Its wonderful. Probably about 2 or 3 capfulls
Amaretto sounds delish! I would take some coffee, add 2 oz of Micellar Milk and amaretto sf davinci (or Hood calorie countdown milk if you dont have micellar), heat in microwave, would make a good latte. Or use however much of the micellar milk or Hood milk you want to make it a milkier latte. Add splenda if it needs it. You can do the same to the other flavors.