Ulcer has anyone ever had one that has had RNY
I was just wondering if anyone that has had RNY ever had a ulcer and what it feels like and what do they do for one? I have a call in to the doctors waiting for them to call me back. The last few days or so I have had some nausea, pain after takeing meds or vitamines, early am a weird taste of blood in my mouth. checked teeth and gums no blood. So I was just wonder anyone else experience a ulcer.
Yeah. I had an ulcer two months after surgery. I also tested postive for H Pylori (the main cause of ulcers). I did not know what it was until I ended up i nthe hospital for a couple of days. I was extremly nauseous and was not able to eat or drink so I had to go in for dehydration. They did a scope and found the ulcer. They put me on high doses of drugs and then I got to go home a day or two later. I went home with additonal medicine to keep taking. I really didn't have many other systems other than being nauseaus. I hope they find out what is going on with you and you get to feeling better.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Yep I have one also. They found it back in July. The only way they found it ws they had to do a streching of my espogus. (sorry spelling) When they ran the scope they saw it and realized thats why I needed to be streached. I wasn't keeping anything down and had alittle pain just below the breast bone. I am taking prevasid now for it. I hope you find out what is wrong and get to fixing it soon!!!!!
Thanks both of YOU!
They called in some meds and I go in and see him tue. I am sure he will want to do some test. I just tried to eat part of a turkey burger didnt go down so well. The past few days I hadnt been able to get in all my water and then I started really looking at my self and how I was eating and drinking and the feeling and how it hurts when I take my meds or vitamines. I been depressed to now this is even worse. My tummy is always making noises drives me crazy. I just went on meds for menopuase,I hope I havent done something to screw up my pouch........... I am also at a weight stall the past week or so.