Thigh surgery

Kathy Newton
on 10/3/07 2:16 pm - LaVergne, TN
I knew going in that there would be pain, but this is off the scales.  I was at the VA Medical Center at 6am Tuesday morning. I went into surgery about 8am.  I barely remember getting some ice chips, and I was out againl  I wasn't  aware of what they were doing to me.  Even in recovery except giving me ice chips.  I didn't wake up until 5p.  My son and Daughter-n-love came to pick me up around 7pm as they got stuck in accident traffic. Well, I was pretty loopy but still in a lot of pain.  I couldn't sleep on my air mattress that's on the floor.  I couldn't sleep on the recliner so  I just sat up and played on the computer.  I did drift off several times and several times today.  I have been bleeding very heavily since I came home yesterday.  I had to call an ambulance to take me to te hospital, they  too me to the hospitl here in Lebanon. Around 4 am they had to get an amblulance to take me home. I was out cold again. It took them awhile to wake me again.  A friend took me to the one in Lebanon again this evening. I was losing too much blood  again.  I was soaking everything even using sanitary pads inplace of the regular bandaging,  even with the new bandaging on, the pain is unreal espcially between the cut and the pubic area.  The  taping that was becoming hard to stay on, was causing me blisters.  So the ER used ace wraps instead of the    tape to secure ace wraps on my thighs,  They are supposed to be coming off in the morning and I'll able to take a shower, but I am going to the VA per my surgeon's orders to have it checked and she can take the wrappings  off.  They need to check my blood counts again..  They are running way to low.   Thank you for all your prayers. My legs are really swollowen at the moment.  No flabby skin.  There is still some fat in them because when I start walking again, there's going to be some lose skin again.  She got what she could without liposuction.   So far outside of the pain and bleeding a lot, I can walk some inside my apartment. But I haven't had much trouble with this.  I am off to I didn't go to bed last night as I had slept  off and on all day.  Now I can barely keep my eyes open.   Love                                     
 Kathy Newton

Brenda H.
on 10/3/07 2:49 pm - APO-AE , Germany
Kathy, I am praying for you a speedy recovery!!! I hope the pain and the bleeding goes away soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!!!! Brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


Kathy Newton
on 10/4/07 7:45 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Brenda, Thank you.  I can barely stand underware on as the stitches are also in that area when the legs of the panties go.  Getting in and out of my mini van is a real challenge.  Both legs have to go in first or scream in pure agony.   This is what everyone who is contiplating having their thighs done, it is extremely painful, worse then the tummy tuck.  You can't even stand up straight because of the stitches.  I'll be glad when they are healed and everything quits bleeding.  I see my surgeon on Wednesday morning to have them checked.  The surgeon called today to see if I was alright and needed to come in and be checked.  I told her I was at the ER again last night, and they wrapped both legs in ace wraps instead of tape because I was broken out in blisters.   But I can take the wraps off tomorrow and shower then rewrap them because of the draining.  I am lookng forward to getting these drain tubes removed.  They make me hurt more.  Thanks again for your prayers.  Love
 Kathy Newton

on 10/3/07 10:35 pm - Humboldt, TN
OH My Sweet Kathy!......... The pain you have to go through is horrible!....... Please get some rest..... Maybe you should have stayed in the hospital a day or two to get your bearings.......... PM me anytime. I am here. I care. but YOU already KNOW that! (((HUGS))) Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

Kathy Newton
on 10/4/07 7:53 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi sweetie and thank you.  I do believe this is worse then the tummy tuck.  I can take the wrappings off tomorrow to shower then rewrap them as they are still oozing from the cuts.  I found out shortly ago, that when trying to get in my van both legs have to go in at the same time or scream in agony.   Thank you for your prayers, I appreciate everyone of them.  Love
 Kathy Newton

on 10/4/07 12:11 am - Springfield, TN
Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. Hope you recover soon.

Kathy Newton
on 10/4/07 8:08 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Juanita, that's exactly what I plan on doing, is resting, legs are still swollen, and in a lot of pain.  This is worse then the tummy tuck pain wise.  I can barely walk around my apartment let alone walk anywhere else.   I was just informed that the handicap unit that I am moving into is supposed to be ready by tomorrow.  I need help moving as I can't lift anything.  I'll know for sure in the morning if it is ready or not.   Thank you Juanita, I am going to take a pain pill and rest.  I just went out to pay a couple of bills and if both legs don't go into the van together, it's pure screaming agony.   Love ya
 Kathy Newton

on 10/4/07 12:22 am - Knoxville, TN
Kathy, Wish I was closer to help you. Annrenee


Kathy Newton
on 10/4/07 8:10 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Annrenee, I wish you did too.  I'll see you on the 13th.  Right now I'm about to take a pain pill and climb into the recliner and sleep.  By the way, this is worse then the tummy tuck on a pain scale.  See you soon, Love
 Kathy Newton

Darlene H.
on 10/4/07 6:22 am - Pinson, TN

Keeping you in my prayers Kathy, you go through so much, you are an inspiration to me. Darlene H

Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

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