It's a....
Congrads to you April and to the DH, a boy. Have a couple of those myself plus two grandsons. It's time they give me a little girl to spoil rotten. Seriously I am so excited for you.
Stick to the program and continue to work out, it will be easier if you are in shape when the time comes to deliver the little
boy. Can't wait to see the ultra sounds.
Cherish each moment now, you won't get much time to yourself after he arrives. What are you going to name him?

Thank you!
I know exercise will be very beneficial and I started today with a little 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Prior to getting pregnant I was doing the elliptical and treadmill for over an hour almost everyday... now its torture just doing a slow 30 minute walk on a flat surface lol I'm sure it will get better though! :-)