It's a....

on 10/3/07 4:31 am - Springfield, TN


 Yayy! :-) I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. I never thought the day would come! It was so great seeing my little guy on the screen! He was pretty active and looks great. Everything that needs to be there is there and working properly :-) Darren and I couldn't be happier. I had the ultrasound recorded to DVD and she also printed 4 pictures for me. I'll post those later to share. On the down side, my doc wasn't too happy with my weight gain. I know I haven't been exercising but I have been watching what I'm I guess I need to get my lazy butt moving. Just the thought of exercise wears me out lol I am just sooo tired and sleep so much. Well, at any rate...enough rambling, I just wanted to share my news. Hope everyone is doing well!




on 10/3/07 4:44 am - Dickson , TN
gongrats  I know you're very happy.. most important thing is to take care of you so your body will take care of him...... good luck

on 10/3/07 11:22 am - Springfield, TN



on 10/3/07 4:45 am - Nashville, TN
Congrats April, I know you were wanting a little girl, but boys are so much fun!!!!!   Have you had your iron and B-12 levels checked, because you could need some of this during this time, my doctor gave it to me at about 4 months along to help with my energy!!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Shelia
on 10/3/07 11:24 am, edited 10/3/07 11:24 am - Springfield, TN

Thanks Shelia! I know I wanted a girl when I first found out.. but while looking at stuff for girls, the color pink would literally make me nauseous! I like blue much better anyways :-) Oh I'm so excited!

I haven't had any bloodwork done in a while but I am still taking my iron and B12 supplements along with everything else. I plan on going to Dr. H around the middle of the month for my 18 month appointment anyways.



on 10/3/07 12:09 pm - Nashville, TN
Explain to him about your decrease in energy and they may increase your B-12!!   Boys are very good, I have one and would not trade him for anything!!!
on 10/3/07 5:13 am - Springfield, TN
AWWWEEESOOOMMEEEE!!! Hi Nicholas!!!! He he. Congrats to you and hubby April !

on 10/3/07 11:27 am - Springfield, TN
Thank you Juanita!!!!



Darlene H.
on 10/3/07 6:25 am - Pinson, TN

Congratulations April,  It's A Boy  Baby Baby Smiley Baby With Bear Darlene 

Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 10/3/07 11:27 am - Springfield, TN
Thank you Darlene :-)



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