surgery tomorrow
I have never been nervous for a surgery except when I had thyroid surgery. I have to be at 4am to get ready. My transportation van will be here at 5am to take me to the VA hospital in Nashville. I am trusting God to get me thru this thigh lift with minimal complications. I spoke to same day surgery, they have the blood set aside for me just incase because my red cells are too low. They are aware that I have no immune system and anyone working on me before surgery is to be masked. Plus I will have my mask on to be on the safe side. Plus my fancy purple gloves. They usually give a patient Versaid prior to going into the OR to help you relax, it keeps you awake long enough to slide over to the operating table, then you are out of it. I don't want it until I see what they have to do to get me ready. I want to see where the surgeon is going to cut as he has to mark my thighs.
I need prayers like never before. I'm not nervous, I'm used to having surgeries, and it won't be my last. But I am having major anxiety/panic attacks because of my zero immune system. I already have a staph infection on my right arm. Half an hour to before it's nothing after midnight. I won't be getting any sleep tonight, I have too much to do, I will however take my medications, but I still need to finish my dishes, sort my laundry as my son is going to come by and pick it up for me and bring it back on Thursday. I don't fore see my going anywhere except a friend is going to take me to pay my bills in Smyrna. I didn't get my VA check today, it will probably show up tomorrow and will need to be deposited. I have jello to make tonight, and some pudding. I figure that will be easier to handle instead of hard foods after having surgery. The neighbor is going to check on me tomorrow when I get home.
I don't know who I am fooling, consider how much I am smoking, I am very nervous. That nightmare that took place in April when I had my tummy tuck, that the same thing will happen again. This time the purse will not be left in my van, because I am being driven there. I have been praying that all my fears will be for nothing. But it's still there in the back of my brain.
When my son gets here, I will have him post for me, and let you all know how things went. Thank you. Most of you have my home phone number, please feel free to call. If I don't answer it, please leave me a message on the voice mail. I will try and call you back.
I need to get busy, or I won't be ready when the van arrives. Oh that reminds me to make sure I take my paxil and chemo pills, they don't come from the VA, and if I have to stay over, then I will have those with me. Including my pain pills and phenergan. So if I have to stay over because of needing blood and antibiotics, I won't have to worry about not getting anything for pain. I'll have it with me.
With love, and a terrified body. I know God is with me, but I can't help feeling this dread. Love Kathy
this is me at the moment

Morning Scott. Thank you for the prayers. I thought the tummy tuck was bad, but the thigh lifts are the worst. I had to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital herein in. I had to be there at 6am. I didn't get to lay down to rest until about 1am. I wolk up at 4am to shower and get ready. The van driver showed up at 4:40 and got me today rather yesterday to take me to the hospital.
I was the second one called back, but the last one taken into the waiting area to answer a bunch of questions, then the Anthesiologist took me into a room, to mark on my thighs where she might miss something. I am not to take the bandages off until Thursday 3 marcus
Night Fred. Sweel deads. Kathy

Annreness, sorry is has taken it really so long to get back to you. I'll tear my ordeal to getwa tou taken, it has taken 3 hours to adjust time and pappy. The pappy undetrstood what my entintions were to be. I was tobecome a mom to the little girl. To help find her way thru God because That is they only way to survive. I appreciate the prayers.
I keep nodding off, so I am going to bed or rather to the recliner to sleep. This time yesterday U was getting on the van to head for Vandy. I can't believe it's been over 24 hours. No wonder I having trouble staying awake. LOL
But I still need to take my medications and fall asleep. I am itching all over. I am wonder if the show that was given. Love ya, Kathy

Thanks Kathy, as far as I know everything went fine. I didn't need the blood, my white counts were still 3.3 instead of between 4-10,000. So she had me wearing the mask but most of them came to talk with me, put on a mask. I can't figure out why I can't conscentrate and just wanting to go to bed.
I did have to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital here locally. My surgeon wrote down the instrucations that I was to have a breathing test but it wasn't givien to me, nor was the antibiotic that I was to be given. If they did give the antibiotic, it was after I went to sleep. She said to not change the bandaging until Thursday but it's soaked right thru everything. That's why I had to go to te ER and let the Dr. decide what to do. She chose not to remove the bangaging just keep it in the ones the surgeon put on me, even though they are pouring out blood. I had surgery aroung 8-8:30 this morning, but didn't wake up until 5pm. Then I had to sit around for 2 hours waiting on Phillip to show up to pick me up. We came back here and Silvia fixed us something to eat, she hadn't eaten all day, and neither had I..So we rated the freezer, she cooked up some chicken patties and put fries in the oven for us to eat. It tasted good, but I wasn't all that hungry, just very sleepy. Still am. I keep nodding off. So I will catch you later.

(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 1:30 am - Greenfield, TN
on 10/2/07 1:30 am - Greenfield, TN
Will be thinking & praying for you. Hope you have a successful surgery.