2 Unbelievable moments...
One good
and one bad!
I'll start with the good first...The other day i was in Krogers in Madison buying a few items. All the sudden, an employee walked past me. It was someone I had worked with, and known off and on, for several years. I spoke and called her name, she nodded in acknowledgement, and walked a few steps. She turned quickly and said Scott, I did not recognize you! She went on stroking my ego , telling me how much weight I had lost and how good I looked! Yes ladies, I did tell my wife about it! So I am still in good standing at home! But that made me FEEL GOOD!!!!!
Now the bad...On Saturday, Beth decided it was time to clean out her wardrobe. Especially since she has lost wieght! Anyway after designating 3 piles of clothes (1 trash, 1 Goodwill, 1
Lunch Bunch), she preceded in trying on clothes she has recieved from The Lunch Bunch clothing exchange. Side note: Thank You Ladies for saving me a lot of money! So, good for Beth, now bad for me! Yesterday it was my turn!!!! Yes, she made 3 piles once again, the same 3 as before. Altogether, we sent 6 large bags of clothes tio Goodwill. A couple of bags to trash, and counting the clothes Beth picked up from Cathy, 4 rubbermaid containers for the Lunch Bunch!
I was scared throwing my clothes out! You know what I am talking about..the "What If _____". You fill in the blank, I sure all of us have been there at one time! Yeah, it worrys me!
Anyway, we need to get a few more WLS men in the Lunch Bunch, or I am going to start wearing Beth's clothes!
Have a great week!

LOL. Scott I think you would look absolutely adorable in a dress of beths. I'm kidding of course. Oh by the way I have a shirt that is supposed to be yours. It was in the clothes that Shiela gave me and I went off and completly forgot to bring it to you Saturday. You are right we do need more men folk for our lunches, which reminds me I haven't heard anything about Kieth. Does anyone know how he's doing? Congrats on your WOW Scott and I know how you feel throwing out your clothes I think we all have the sa,me fears a to maybe needing them again someday.
Hey Scott, that's great regarding shedding the clothes that y'all can't wear. I'll have more after my thighs heal up, like all my Levi Straous Jeans. They're too big in the waist and hips, but a smaller size won't go over the thighs at the moment. But I'm proud of you and Beth. Don't worry you won't need the ones you are giving away. Think of the person who will buy them at Goodwills may need them more then you.
Have a great day and congradulations on what you have already lost.
Love Kathy

Hi scott, I've been around for a few weeks. But haven't been to the lunch'n yet. I had talked to my hubby about going to the last one, but it was one of the bad days for me. So I would like to introduce myself. I am Barb, I live So. of nashvile, can't wait to meet everyone. Maybe next time around.
Maybe I should send this to you and your wife. Sounds like you both have been on the losen train.