What do skin rashes look like?

on 9/30/07 7:37 pm - Knoxville, TN
Friends,   Sorry it has been a few months since I last posted. I have been truly busy. And I have some good news for you all.    I went to the WL Dr. last monday. I am 10-16 pounds from my goal weight. And I made it before my 1 year date. This month on Oct.26 I will be 1 year out. Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!I was almost knock out of my chair when My wl doctor comes in all warm and nice to me. All along I got a mono tone and no emotions what so ever. And this time he was warm and friendly and he told me how good I look. He also told me he will back me for my plastic surgery. I have to develope a rash on the areas that I need to have removed and that is the only way my insurance company will approve it. When I developed the rash I have to take a picture of the areas and send them in and he will back me. He does care how I get  the rash he will back me .  Problem is what do these rashes look like, so I will know what to take a picture of.    I even have a pinched nerve in my arm from the skin lose on my arm. It is painful when my skin moves and is completely numb any other time. You could poke it with a sharp pencil and I can not feel it. When I have the skin removed I will be  pain free from the pinched nerves.   What to do I do not know. I do not want a spare tire and hanging skin on my arms. I tried to wear a short shevees shirt one day and I had three different people pull my arm skin to point out my marks. I was so embarass I went got a jacket to cover up because of it. It was 98 degrees outside and I wore a jacket. I let those people make me feel bad. The first time in years I got to wear a short shevees shirt to keep cool and I let some one take my joy away.    I am 30 this year and I have not wore a tank top or a sheveless shirt  since I was 8 years old and I let them make me ashamed of my own skin.  I really do not know what to do.  I know I should have said something to them. But I really do not want to be pulled down to their levels. But I feel that I let them get away with it. Will it is over. But now I do not want to have hanging skin. I am told I have little compare to most who were 300 pounds. What I do have stay 's sore and painful.      Open to any suggestions for me and what direction I should take? Well I got to go. I will welcome any help or suggestions. Your friend,  Tina
Kathy Newton
on 10/1/07 3:59 am - LaVergne, TN
Hey Tina, a skin rash is where your tummy over laps the groin area between your legs and tummy.  It's raw, like a yeast infection.  My Dr. prescribed Nystop powder for it, It's caused by no air getting in that area, and sweating bad.  As for the arms.  Honey I have saggy arms and I weat short sleeves and tank tops and no one has made a comment.  I do have hand barbells to help tighten up my arms.  I was at 299 so I have no boobs to speak of and what I do have won't stay in the sports bra, and baggy arms.  I could careless about them.  Wear what you feel comfortable in and don't let anyone say anything otherwise.   I also get the rash under my IBTC (iddy bitty ***** commitee) but the VA won't do them or my arms. They did my tummy tuck because of the infections, and are doing my thighs in the morning.   Take pride in what you lost, and not what is saggy.  You'll be 2 yrs old on my son's and his son's birthday.   Have a great day.  Love Kathy
 Kathy Newton

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