Prayer request

Kathy Newton
on 9/29/07 4:45 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi everyone.  I had to go to my Oncologist's office yesterday for my monthly or in my case semi monthly CBC.  I am scheduled for my thighs to be done on Tuesday morning.  Here's the problem.  I have a staph infection on my right arm.  I keep it covered so it won't go to any other open sores.  Well my blood work came back, not good either.  My white cells that fight infection are 3.3 normal is 4-10, we're talking in thousands.  My red counts are low enough that my surgeon is to have whole blood or A- on standby.  He doesn't anticipate much bleeding, but he will be giving me a shot of antibiotics before surgery and afterwards because of the staph infection, he wanted to know if I wanted to post-pone it because of my blood work being so low and with the infection.  I can tell now when my blood work is too low.  I am anemic and I haven't had the strength to even go out to walk in the evenings.  Plus I am making sure I don't get anything that will make me sick, so I wear my mask around everyone and my gloves.   I need to get the flu shot as soon as possible.  Please keep me in your prayers that all will go ok considering my bloodwork, that I won't get a staph infection or anything that will make me sick.  I'm down to 3 days.  Can't wait.  Thanks everyone.  Love ya
 Kathy Newton

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/07 1:02 pm - Greenfield, TN
Special prayers being sent up for you. Hope your surgery goes well. Ellen
Kathy Newton
on 9/30/07 4:32 am - LaVergne, TN
Thank you Ellen, I sure appreciate it.  I am praying and so is Mom's church in West Virginia that all will go well without any complications.  I'll post or have someone post for me how things went.   Love ya
 Kathy Newton

sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 9/30/07 12:45 am - enville, TN
Kathy,,,,I will say prayers for you,,,,,,but Kathy i cant help but worry because the situation doesnt sound good,,,,on the other hand the doc.'s know what is going on and are prepared,,but are you sure you are up for this???   

Sherry M,,,

Kathy Newton
on 9/30/07 4:37 am - LaVergne, TN

Thank you so much Sherry, that's why I let the surgeon know immediatly on Friday what was going on, so he's prepared.  He gave me a choice to wait if I wanted but with leukemia there's no guarantees that it will be better if I post-pone.  When I leave a message for him, he always calls me back.  He is aware of the situation and will take extra precautions where I am concerned.  Anyone who has to work on me prior to surgery has to wear a mask around me plus I will have one on as well.   Just keep me and Dr. Steinburg in your prayers for Tuesday.  I'm not a bit nervous, nor am I worried as that's God's job, I am more concerned about the people around me then anything.  So even if someone comes over, I put my mask on immediately.   I will have someone post for me after surgery.  Love ya

 Kathy Newton

on 9/30/07 1:50 am - Knoxville, TN
Kathy, You are a strong and amazing person I am so blessed to have met you.  Prayers going out your way.  Please let me know  if you need anything or if hubby and I can help you with anything.  Keep me posted on whats going on. love ya, Annrenee


Kathy Newton
on 9/30/07 4:30 am - LaVergne, TN
Thank you Annrenee, I can't think of anything at the moment, but I will let you know if something comes up.  Just keep Tuesday in prayer.  Love ya
 Kathy Newton

on 9/30/07 5:50 am - Knoxville, TN
Will do sweetie


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