Well I am now 5 weeks, 2 days postop from my abdominoplasty/muscle repair. Just wanted to let you all know that it has been rough at times... since Mike posted on his progress, and mine had been negative at times, I would let you all know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I came home Thursday evening and cleaned house, vaccuumed the floors, cooked supper... I felt really good. Didn't pay for it the next day either... my body has mended pretty well. The doctor said the incisions look great (THANKS TO THE LOTION). He asked if I had been using Mederma, I said no I made up my own stuff. Anyway, he took a needle and tried to aspirate my right side but there was no fluid. Its still a bit swollen.
But, I got really depressed during my 3rd and 4th week. Had to take a trip to the therapist and freaked out that I was gaining weight since swell hell visited. But last night I was able to get back into my size 4 blue jeans that I bought the week of surgery. My tummy is still swollen especially up at the top but that will take awhile to go down. Its not really bad or noticable really unless you look.
But I had a wow moment. I was at Starbucks, Hendersonville, and was asking about the sugar contents in SF vanilla latte compared to a light frappe. The guy asked if I was diabetic. I said, No but a gastric bypass patient. He eyed me up and down (he was gay, so he wasnt trying to pick me up or anything. Besides, Tim was right next to me) and he said, "NO!" And went on about me not looking like I had surgery. He wanted to know about the tummy tuck. He had lost 60 lbs himself on Atkins and wanted a tummy tuck really bad. Well then, he asks ME for a before picture. Just so happens... I had one in my purse! Well you know I loved showing it, and the feelings of pride I had to be able to say "that WAS me". Now, here I AM.
Gotta love those WOW moments! They really make the whole journey worth it...