jan4756 needs MAJOR prayers!!!!
Leticia just called me and asked me to post this...
She just found out that Jan has lost a lot of blood, like half of her blood, but they don't see the bleeding anywhere!!!!
Her husband left work to immediately go to her side so neighbors are being asked to check on her elderly mother that lives with them.
PLEASE keep Jan and her family in your prayers or whatever you do to send good vibes!!!! I know Leticia will keep you posted as she gets news! I don't think she is still going home on Saturday now!!!
Here is the link to her support page if you want it...
http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/status.php? N=W1155933325
thanks for your support!! hugs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick