i dont feel like myself
Sherry M,,,

Work like you don't need the money......
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the support,,it really helps.....i am getting my vitamins and water in but i fall a little short on the protein,,i get between 40 and 60 grams a day,,most days,,,,the doc wants me to get between 60 and 70 grams a day.....i have to work on that.... My nose dont run when i get full,,but i hiccup,,isnt that odd???? It happens every time i take that extra little bite i shouldn have....I going to try to keep on keeping on,,,thanks again the words of support really have picked me up some
Sherry M,,,
It's sort of a relief to run across your post. My gastric bypass was 9-17 and I too am having the same problem. I don't want or feel like doing anything. It's so depressing. I'm actually regretting this surgery even though I've already lost 16 pounds. I have diarrhea after any amount of protein or even if I drink too much. I feel so totally drained and depressed.
I guess we'll just keep hanging in there. Surely it will get better before long.
God bless,