every thing tastes like dirt
Okay Im ten days out and I feel very good .But every thing tastes liek dirt to me or leave an aftertase of dirt I guess but I don**** to eat any thing HELP!!!!! what do I do the thought of any food repulses me right now. and Im really trying on the SF carnation instant breakfast but yukkkk .I am going grocery shopping tomorrow suggestion any one ???????
on the plus side I go to the docs in the AM and get my drain out . YEAHHHHHHH !!!! (this thing really grosses me out )
Thanks so much!
Pam K.
I wish i knew the answer!! I am 3 weeks out monday and i am having the same problem,,,i am using the carnation drink,,cottage cheese with pureed pears and mashed up been and bacon soup,,,i cant seam to get anything down either... I called my doc's office yesterday and they said to drink a cup of camomille tea in the morning that will flush out mucus from my pouch from sinus drainage and it will help with my naseua,,,i hope this helps you some...........Congrads on the drain coming out!!
Sherry M,,,
Thank you,I will try thr camomille tea .I got some chunky soups yeasterday and had potatoe and ham soup blended it was pretty good . I loved the thickness of it . I feel better now that the drain is out .
How are you feeling? whats been the hardest part for you so far ?
I hope this gets easier soon
Good luck