Help need an angel
My surgery will be in Memphis Monday morning at St. Francis aroung 10am. Hubby will be staying until he knows I'm ok then he will go home and since we live 2 hours away he won't come bac****il I call him to come get me. He has to get back for his breathing treatments and meds and to take care of Gracy. If there is anyone close by I would forever be grapeful if someone could visit with me. Thank you Lee Lee/Birdy
Hey there Birdie, congrats on the date. I will not be able to visit, but I will have you in my prayers for sure. I hate to hear that Hubby can't be with you, from your story he sounds wonderful and supportive. You keep your chin up and I wish you the best. And just think before long you will be on the loser's bench with the rest of us. God Bless.....Cheryl