Back from Memphis...Good and Bad news!

Kym B.
on 9/26/07 1:56 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN

NOTE:  For those of you who don't know my back issues, let me briefly explain that I have kyphosis, otherwise called humpback.  No matter how hard I stand straight, my back will not cooperate.  It caused extreme pain pretty much 24/7 and compromises my lung function.  Okay, on with the update. I'm, got back in late this evening with lots to report.  The doctor I met with is amazing.  He did his entire fellowship in kyphosis surgery and he is one of the best in the country.  He actually asked me not to advertise because he has so many surgeries he can't keep up.!! Talk about a definite vote of confidence.  He measured my curvature and it is...are you ready...90 DEGREES!!!!  Yep, I have a turn not a curve!  He showed me my xrays and said that, as my other docs have said, my "Plumb line", ie posture, is PERFECT!!!!  Yep, he said I had absolute perfect posture and that everything was lined up the way it was supposed to be but the curvature in my back was just not letting me be straight.  He said it was definitely the reason I hurt 24/7 as my muscles are straining to hold me upright.  He said my lower back was wonderful, perfect, NO lordosis, which is a huge relief since I really thought I had lower lordosis as well.  He said I have absolutely no osteoporosis...wonderful!  Best of all...he said he can give me a wonderful correction!  He showed me before and after xrays for a guy my height, weight (he was a little heavier but close) and degree of curvature and the difference was unbelievable.  Lynn started crying she got so excited!  He also told me that this was a genetic issue that nothing could have helped...bracing would NOT have stopped this and he said it was NOT cosmetic but necessary as the curvature is to the point that one more degree and my lungs will start to be compressed and my breathing compromised.  He will only have to do one cut, posteriorly, NO bone harvesting, and he uses steel rods so the screws don't come out like they can with titanium. Now for the bad news, when we got there we found out that they are out of network for my insurance.  They said I had to had $350 today and the out of pocket would be a total of $7200, UPFRONT.  I lost it, started crying and said I knew it was too good to be true.  Lynn paid fifty down on today, we called the referring office and they were so sorry.  They had been misinformed.  I talked to the referring doctor and he said, after apologizing, that there WAS another doctor in Nashville that can do the surgery and is good, but he said if it was his mother, sister, or daughter, he wouldn't dream of sending me anywhere but Memphis to this doctor.  That carries a lot of weight.  Lynn and I felt that I needed to be there withthat doctor so I just leveled with him and said, hey I'm broke, what do I do.  He said, for what this is worth and what it means, that I needed to do what I could and we would not let money keep me from having this surgery.  So I came home with this in mind...I am going to start selling everything I, my Ford Taurus, my blue van, as much of my clothing that I can, huge yard sale, my parents are donating stuff, Lynn is donating stuff...every spare penny will go to the "straighten Kym's back fund" Dad even suggested starting an online donation site where my family, if any would do this, could go and donate online.  We are all putting our head together so if any of you have any ideas, please let me know.  Of course, I am going to ask my church for help and I am going to ask the charity I volunteer for if they can help any.  I am hoping that there is some kind of hospitality house my family can stay in while I am in the hospital in Memphis.  I will be at Baptist Women's Hospital in Memphis and we are looking at December after my school semester is over.  I will be in the hospital about five days, in a brace for 8 weeks.  I won't have to do physical therapy.  I can have a baby in one year if we choose.  No roller coasters or theme rides for five years so I have to figure out what to do about getting my 8 year old to DisneyWorld before she is too old...we promised her this year but you guys know how finances have been.  We bought the tickets with income taxes and we have a place to stay but we would have to get the gas money and food money.  I know it sounds nuts to worry about this when I have to come up with surgery money but my daughter has been promised this for years and I just can't see her waiting five more years.  Even if she has to go without me...I don't know...I'll pray on this of course. Well, I know this is a very long post but I wanted to update all you guys and share the mixed news.  If anyone has any ideas on more ways to raise some money, please send them my way.  I ask all of you to please pray for this to happen in my life.  The constant pain is getting so hard to bear and the doctor said that while he cannot end all the back pain, he can relieve about 80% of it and that is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Kathy Newton
on 9/26/07 3:22 pm - LaVergne, TN

hey Kym, when my friend found out she had ovarian cancer and that for 6 months she would have to have chemo each month she prayed for a miracle.  She had no insurance and her treatments were $10,000 a month.  She emailed everyone on her vast contact list for donations.  Even set up an account for the funds to be mailed into.  People held benefits to raise funds for her.  She never had to pay a dime.  Every bit of the money was raised from the benefits and going on line.  She also was on a grief chat room and received donations from all over the usa.  That is an idea that may help you.  Post this on the main board which hits people all over the USA and some countries.  You will need to set up an account like an escrow account where the donations can be sent to. 

I will keep you in my prayers.  Talk with your pastor and see where they can help. They may not be able to help much with the surgery but they can take up a love offering each week to help you. They may even be able to help your family with lodging while you are in the hospital.  I know my church took up a love offering for after the initial offering plate had been past, and the Treasurer wrote out a check from that offering for $238.  So there is hope.  Maybe they can do that each week and have it deposted into the Kym Brown Surgery Fund.  I will try and help if I am able.

I love you, and expect your package next week. 

 Kathy Newton

(deactivated member)
on 9/26/07 10:17 pm
Great news Kym!  Light at the end of the tunnel.  Wishing you the best on your fundraising!
(deactivated member)
on 9/27/07 12:51 am - Greenfield, TN
Hi Kym,    Glad you are feelng better. Maybe your church can do a community yardsale & bake sale? That seems to always work around here. Oh, and car washes. Sometimes clubs around here buy a gun or something & sell raffle tickets at a big football game or something. They have the drawing at halftime. Best of luck, hope everytrhing works out for you. Hugs Ellen
Susan J.
on 9/27/07 1:27 am - Madison, TN
You might want to check with your insurance about getting this covered as "in network" since there is not a qualified specialist within 50 miles of your home who can do this surgery and it is "medically necessary". I believe Nashville is even more than 50 miles from your home, is it not? And, since you have been referred to the surgeon in Memphis by an "in network" provider, they should cover it. Just a thought. I know that we have had to argue with primary insurance carriers for student athletes when they wanted to cover an injury here at school as "out of network". We just have to prove to them that there is not an "in network" provider within 50 miles of the school and we have no trouble then getting something paid at the in network rate. It never hurts to ask. Also, NEVER take no from someone not authorized to tell you yes!! If you get some customer service person who tells you no, ask to speak with a supervisor. If the supervisor tells you no, request the paperwork to submit an appeal. The appeal will be evaluated by an impartial panel and they, not the insurance company, will make the final determination. Good luck sweetie! I'm excited for you.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 9/27/07 2:47 am
I'm pretty sure Susan is correct about the insurance covering the expense.  It just takes some determination, phone calls and letters.  You'll probably find that you don't need any extra money.  However, an 8 year old is certainly old enough to understand why the trip is being canceled.  Knowing how expensive it is there, the refunds probably would cover the upfront money.  The decision between a Disney vacation and back surgery should be an easy one. Good luck with your surgery.
on 9/27/07 2:56 am - Springfield, TN
Kym, I am so glad you got some good news and I am so exited for you. I would try at least what Susan said and hoepfullt it works. I am praying for you girl!!

on 9/27/07 5:09 am - Dyersburg, TN

Hi Kym, I'm so glad you found this doctor that can help you.  Hope there is some way insurance will pay for your surgery. Best of luck to you! Colette

on 9/27/07 7:15 am - Nashville, TN

Welcome home Kym!  You know sometimes life is just not fair!  And financial troubles are just not fun!  But when things like this happens, all I can do is Thank God that you are still here for that little girl of yours.  Lady, you are in our prayers, have been and will be always in our prayers!  Every time I get kicked in the teeth, God somehow reminds me that there is some one, some where in worst shape than I am! So...pick up them boxing gloves and follow Susan's sage advice! Fight, fight, and then fight some more! Remember when one door closes, another opens to take it's place!  Just don't get your fingers caught in the slamming door! Door 

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