Unofficially ONERLAND!!!!
I remember that day just a few months ago and now I am only 10lbs away from being considered a normal BMI. You are going to do just perfectly, I do wish that you would stop smoking, because you made this decision to be healthier and smoking is defeating the purpose and/or considered trading addictions. I am not getting on your case, I am just saying this because I care and want you to be healthy!!!
Good Luck and Congrats!!

Thanks everyone for your replies!!! I went to Dr. Steely today and everything came out great. Blood work was great and the weight loss, he says, is ahead of where I should be. I have dropped 6 sizes in jeans/pants, and so far have gone from a 4x in tops to a XL. 2 weeks ago I tried on a pair of jeans and couldn't get them up over my behind and they were size 16. Well today I thought "why not" I got them on no problem and they are NOT tight!!! Actually alittle baggy!!! I was thrilled!!!!! After I had the surgery and before I didn't think to measure myself and now I am wishing I did.
Oh yeah and yes he did jump me for my smoking and scared me to death. I have 1 pack left and after that I am done!!! Yes he scared me that much. I had no idea that smoking causes ulcers n us. Well he told me what he will have to do if mine got worse and I didn't like it. I AM going to quit asap.
Thanks to everyone for caring and listening to me. I know at times I can be a pain. It helps to have you guys to talk to. You know what I am going through where noone in this house or any of my family does. Also I ha dto get my hair cut. I hate it but I am about to post the pics on my profile.