Baptist vs. Centennial
Dr. Spaw is also my surgeon and I am very pleased with him and his staff. He is truly a, kind, experienced, loving, and Christian man, it really shows in how he treats and cares for his patients. His staff is equally as wonderful and therefore, I personally think you have made the best choice!!! However, as Pam stated it is your decision and you are the one that will be interacting with the Dr. and program for the rest of your life, so chose the best fit for you. This is not like any other surgeries and you see your surgeon for a few follow-up appointments, this surgery requires continual follow-up for the rest of your life. If you need any additional questions answered, you can also PM me and I would be more than willing to speak to you about my experience. Good Luck!!! Shelia

Raquel, I believe , as the others have said, that this is ultimately your choice. I do think it is wise to research to make the right decision for you. I think you should go to seminars for both sets of surgeons and hospitals. I have heard absolutely nothing but great things about Dr Spaw. I think the only thing that I have heard where Centennial is better than Baptist is with the staff of the hospital. I had my surgery done at Centennial by Dr Houston, his staff and the staff of Centennial hospital are the most caring set of people I have ever been taken care of by. I have been hospitalized several times during my life and can say this was my best experience. The follow up care at Centennial is awesome as well. So just gather all the information you get here and make the right decision for yourself. Keep us updated on your progress and with any other questions you have. Darlene
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Thanks for all of your input. Of course, I know that the decision is mine. I was really asking more so based on the fact that there is so much paperwork and so many hoops one must jump through before being approved that it might be better to stick with the center where you first got the ball rolling.