East Knoxville Luncheon

Kathy Newton
on 9/19/07 2:25 pm - LaVergne, TN
I will be in the Knoxville area rather an hours drive east of it in October.  Several have mentioned getting together like the Nashville luncheons.  I can't be at mine on October 13, but I would love to have it with the Knoxville area that day.  Time is 1 pm,  those interested please let me know, and ideas of where we can eat.  We over here have found Chili's has a great children's menu that we can order from.  Men are welcomed.  Someone who's good with a digital camera please have one for taking our pictures, bring any protein products with you, if you don't like it, sell it to someone at the luncheon afterwards, same with clothes, bring those to exchange.   The restaurant must be centrally located for those in the Knoxville, Morristown, Johnson City area.  Morristown is one hour from those in Johnson City, and from Knoxville.  I will help y'all get started so that this becomes a monthly day out.  Ours is held every second Saturday of the month at 1pm.  Each month it's held in the same area, just at a different restaurant.  So let's get this support luncheon launched for the east side.  All weight loss will be totalled up and posted along with the pictures.  So come out for an exciting time.  Even if you are pre-op please come, you can learn a lot from the post-ops.  If anyone has great recipes that are high in protein, low in carbs, please bring them along.  We all need all the help we can get.  I posted one on the chicken.  I'm going to try it with the chicken legs that are in my freezer.  I'll let you know how it tastes.   Further details as the time approaches.  Love
 Kathy Newton

on 9/20/07 12:24 am - Knoxville, TN
I would love to do the luncheon thing and would love to learn what to do to help one get started in this area,  My goal after surgery was to help others that are having it or thinking about it and people who have had it.  I am not a very out going person so I havent done much but mention having one. This area of people really need to get together.  Thanks Kathy for the push.ok Marking calendar for Oct 13 at 1pm where hummm i only know knoxville so where ever anyone decides is ok with me. I live off Western Ave. I know there is a Chilis on Clinton there is a place called Wild Wing off Cambell Station Rd they have been good to me.  But who ever wants to pick a place is fine with me. so lets hear from the area people and see what we come up with. Annrenee   Thanks again KATHY


Kathy Newton
on 9/20/07 7:22 am - LaVergne, TN
I am looking at the Morristown area as that is one hour from Johnson City, and one hour from the Knoxville area.  Plus I have their phone book.  One place I will go to is Justin's.  They don't honor our surgical food card. Claiming that we can print it off the computer.  Look at your card from Blount Memorial, is there anyway you could print that out.  No. there isn't.   I need to have a head count so I can let the restaurant know how many are in the party.  Plus remember you can always take home what you don't eat unless it's from a buffet table.  There's a Golden Correl that is buffet and accepts the food card.  I know that for the dinner which is 8.95, I only had to pay $3 for mine dinner.  There's Ryans,  I will check the phone book for a Chili's.  I know there's Logan's plus several more.  More details to follow one week before.  But I will need to know just how many are coming that first weekend of October.  Then go from there.  See u soon.  Behave yourself. 
 Kathy Newton

on 9/23/07 1:55 am - Knoxville, TN
I'm pre op, but would like to come too.  Just let me know where.  Thanks! Lori
Kathy Newton
on 9/23/07 3:35 am - LaVergne, TN

Hi Lori, So far only 2 have let me know, but to be centrally so that more can attend, it will be in Morristown.  It's Oct. 13, at 1pm.  Just haven't decided on a restaurant yet, but will post it just as soon as I know how many are coming so we can let the restaurant know.  The cut off date will be Oct. 7,  I will then post where we will meet and directions.  Pre-ops are most welcome.  They can learn so much just getting to meet those in their area and it's like a support group having fun.  So write down any questions you may have and please bring them, a post-op may know the answer for you.  Who's your surgeon or don't you have one yet?

Always Kathy

 Kathy Newton

on 9/24/07 5:39 am - Bean Station, TN
I work in Morristown so I can tell you what restaurants.... Justins O'Charleys Applebees Ryans Golden Corral Shoneys Cracker Barrel (right next to the interstate so it might be easier) Ruby Tuesday's  IHop Sagebrush and of course all kinds of fast food....
 April H
Kathy Newton
on 9/24/07 9:35 am - LaVergne, TN

Hi April, I lived in Bean Station for 3 years, and in Morristown until last February.  I'm just waiting to find out how many are coming so I can let the restaurant know for seating purposes.  I need a final count by Oct. 6th.  Justins will not honor those of us post-ops who have food cards from their surgery.  No fast foods.   Not allowed on the program.  It may be Cracker Barrel, or Ruby Tuesdays.  I will post the restaurant on Oct. 6th when I know exactly how many are coming.  So far just two have let me know.

Thanks, hope you are coming.  See you there.  Kathy

 Kathy Newton

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