Dr Richards
I had him,,,i just had surgery on the 10th of this month........I thought he was great and so was the staff that took care of me,,,,,i had complications from my asthma and they really took good care of me...........my surgery itself was a breeze and the scars are healing so good,,,in time i dont even think i will notice them.....i go back to see him tommorrow for my follow up. The only thing i didnt like at vanderbilt was the people who transport us from one place to another in our wheelchairs,,,,they seamed to mean to be lazy and said some cussed words and i just thought they were un proffesional. I guess that could go either way,,according to who you get ,,,,i was glad i only had to be transported 2 times..........all in all i give the vandy experience a thumbs up,,,,,,,,,,,,,Best of luck to you
Sherry M,,,