Longtime no posts
Hi everyone! I am sorry I have not been on in so long but I have been busy starting my MBA. I recently lost my job and am currently looking. I have not been able to pursue my surgery but hope that some day I will be able to try again. I just wanted to hop in and say that I miss all the cnversations and hope all are well. Keep me and my family in your prayers.
Well hello, stranger. How's the MBA coming? If you lost your currect job, then you don't have insurance at the moment correct? When looking for a new job, ask to check their insurance policy. Then you will know a head of time if it covers the surgery. Best of luck to you, you're in my prayers that the job doors will open up for you. Kathy

Hey! I am sorry to hear baout your job loss. Stay positive and know that there is something better out there for you. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and it will only make you stronger. I hope you find something quickly and get back on your feet. Congrats on starting your MBA.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)