I stayed home from work today

on 9/10/07 1:28 am - Madison, TN
I didn't feel good this weekend.  My tummy has been VERY bloated and tight and sensitive to touch since Thursday and yesterday, I was just in the blahs mood.  I woke up this morning at 5 and I was burning up!  I had to turn the air down LOW, throw off the covers and take my pajamas off.  I felt really dizzy too and it scared me.  So I stayed home from work today and have a dr's appt (plastic surgeon) at 12:45.  There was a lot of stuf in my drain tube this morning also.  More than whats in a normal day... and that was just since last night.  I will let you all know later what he says. On a lighter note, I baked cinnamon rolls this morning.   They are low carb and I got the recipe from smeone on Bariatriceating.  I will post recipe in another thread.


on 9/10/07 2:34 am - Springfield, TN
Hope everything goes well at your appointment. Let us know what they say. Take it easy today and save me a cinnamon roll will ya ? : )

Susan J.
on 9/10/07 2:41 am - Madison, TN
I will be watching for your post after seeing the doctor. Hopefully you have caught whatever it is very quickly.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 9/10/07 6:14 am - Madison, TN
I saw my plastic surgeon.  He said that the incisions are healing beautifully.  And, to be more aggressive about picking off the glue from it.  He said that my belly button would appear to be a little oozy with some yellow stuff, and that the drain tube stuff looks just like it should.  He said that it does not appear to be infected in any way and he doesnt think that my sick spell this morning was related.  But it helped ease my mind.  He said to keep using the binder on it, and though it feels much more swollen to me, it didnt look out of the ordinary to him.


Kathy Newton
on 9/12/07 6:14 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Melanie, mine was the same way.  I had a hard time with the binder because of my copd.  I couldn't wear it and breath too.  I wish I had been able to wear it, one side near the pubic area is saggy after my tummy tuck.  I am hoping that with all the walking I am doing at night, will help tighten it up.  Hope you get to feeling better.  Sounds like you picked up a bug, I had it all last week.  Wasn't fun at all.  Just don't get dehydrated from it okay.  Love ya, Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 9/13/07 4:50 am - Nashville, TN
I am so very glad that nothing surgery related is going on, but hate that you were not feeling well, it must be something going around, because on my way into work this morning, I had to stop twice, because I got sick at my stomach.  I did a complete circle on the interstate and came back to where I am staying.  However, I have not been hot, just the opposite cold and I have slept for several hours.  I am glad that it is nothing wrong with your surgery and hopefully you are better now. Shelia
on 9/10/07 8:57 am - Springfield, TN

oh yucky... I hope it isn't an infection or anything. I'll be thinkin' of ya! Hope you get to feeling better.



on 9/10/07 4:51 pm - Nashville area, TN
I hope you are feeling better by now. Sends you a hug and a lil angel !
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