pre- surgery jitter's
well,,i have surgery mon. morning,,i cant help but keep thinking,,,what if i dont get it?? What kind of shape will i be in - in the next 5 years?? What if i do get it?? Will i be a sickly pukey person all the time? WHAT IF -WHAT IF- WHAT IF- I guess it's normal to get this way. I will just be glad when it's over......
Sherry M,,,
You are perfectly normal. I am 7 weeks post op (as of Monday.) Personally I chose to read some books so that I would know exactly what to expect. Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies is good and my personal favorite is Susan Maria Leach's book...Before and After. After educating myself on what to expect, I was so was difficult to stay on the hospital bed! I also read some mindless mysteries to keep my mind occupied.
I'm sending lots of positive energy your way!
I want to be honest with you. There are always the possibility of complications with this surgery. I am sure they discussed this with you and gave you the info in your packet. There are things they just cannot predict. There are times where you have "buyers remorse" after surgery where you wish you had never had it. You will grieve the loss of food as you used to know it.
I tell you this because some people think this surgery is all sunshine and roses. But it isnt. It is a journey than can be tough at times but OH MY GAWD the benefits are AMAZING!
That is why we are here, to support you and help you thru the tough times and celebrate with you during the good times. Everyone is scared prior to surgery. That is normal. Some of us wanted to back out as we were being pushed into the OR.
You may have days where you are pukey. You may have days where you have no energy. Then you will have days where you are giggling in the dressing room and days where you are hiking without losing your breath and smiling.
Hang in CAN do this! Polishing up that spot on the losers bench for ya.
Thanks so much for everyone answering and offering support,,it means a lot to me,,,i'm on my 7th day of liquid diet and doing good on it,,i am already looking forward to pureed foods!! I never thought i would think that ,but i do,lol.... I guess it's the jitters everyone gets,,,,,,i feel a little better now. I'm going to pack my bag today, we are going to leave for vandy at 3:30 Sunday morning, i have to be there a 5:00 am,,,,,,,,,,,WOW ,,you know it took so long to get here and now is the time,so 1 more day,,,and hopefully i will be a loser too!!!!
Sherry M,,,
Hi Sherry, Paula has summed it quite well. I wasn't nervous, I was too excited knowing that having Leukemia and getting the weight off would help me live longer. For most they do suffer being nervous, but I was out before I even reached the operating room. That was at 8:30, when I woke up it was noon and I was in my room. By 3pm I wanted to walk. They said most would sleep and maybe be able to walk later in the day. I was too excited, I wanted to walk. I had been in a wheelchair for almost 3 years, and I did manage to with a belt around me, a walker, to walk to the next room, later to the second room and so on. After the first day, I was able to walk farther without the extra help of a nurse.
Look at it this way, you've been thru the tough stuff prior to surgery and you made it, the surgery part is easy compared to getting approval. There's plenty of room on our long loser's bench. Send me a message as to what time your surgery is, I will be at the VA Hospital All day, do I may be able to call and check on you, or swing by and see how you are doing. Where are you having your surgery?
May God Travel with you on this new and exciting journey to a healthier you.

kathy, thanks for the encouragement,,,,i hope i am like you,,up and walking and happy to do it....i'm going to be at vanderbilt and Birdy, the group lleader in Lexington is going to post how i am,she has been a great help too. I hope to follow in your shoes,sounds like you had it pretty rough but you bucked up and carried on! Thats how i want to be.. I probably won't be posting until wed or thursday next week,,whenever they let me come home,, i guess i'll holler back then,,take care
Sherry M,,,
Will you be at the children's part of the hospital? The VA is connected to Vanderbilt, so in between appointments I may be able to get over there and check on you. Hopefully you will be out of surgery by the time I get there. When are you scheduled to be at the hospital? You can plan on 2 hours after you get there for your surgery. It will take them about that long to get you ready. I have an 8am appointment with Audio because of my meniers ear disease. I see the pcp at 1pm to be referred to the pain clinic because of my having to be on Hydromorphone, Dilada, the good stuff. If I don't get over there before 1, I will try and at least call to check up on you. I won't be able to come after my afternoon appointment because the transportation van will be taking me to my appointment, and picking me up that afternoon to bring me back. UGH, glad he's driving as both times we'll hit rush hour.
But I will check on you while I am still in the area. I'll be back over that way again on Tuesday as the VA is having a lift installed into my van for my new scooter. Lovely, now I won't have to worry when I'm out, that I may trip, lose my balance, or pass out. Just relax and know you have a lot of friends here praying for you. You're talking the state of TN, plus one from Florida. Send me your phone number and I'll call you tomorrow evening before you go to the hospital and have a word of prayer with you. Love

Sherry.......Hey you and me.....Monday surgery.......I've been told that 9/10 is a great important opens doors of change.....numerically they follow each other...9....10....and then when you break the dates into numbers and add you get the date again.....9+1+0=10......Not that I believe any of this but it is nice to know.....
Good luck to you.....think positive thoughts and everything will be great.....