What did I miss at the support group meeting?
I haven't missed any support group meetings at Baptist until tonight. I had bad nausea all day long and needed to come home and rest. What was the topic tonight? Did I miss anything? I didn't get to share that I was finally post op by 3 weeks and have lost 30lbs! It's fun to see everyone shrinking every month.
We missed you! Sorry you weren't feeling well. You were right to go home and take care of yourself. We had quite a few pre-ops there as well as 3 or 4 people less than 2 months post-op.
We discussed cravings, what kind and how do we each deal with them. It was interesting to hear the different ways everyone deals with their individual cravings and how peoples cravings have changed since surgery.
What made each of us decide to have surgery and what has been our biggest struggle so far.
We discussed what kind of things we want to do for the next few meetings. Next month is going to be a protein party. Bring your favorite protein along with information about cost and where you purchase. A couple of us are going to bring our bullets and do some mixing for the newbies.
A tentative date of December 1st has been set for the Christmas party. We did decide that everyone would would bring a dish for whatever stage they are at. Example: if someone is on pureed, they bring a pureed dish; pre-op on liquid, bring liquid; etc. We all volunteered Mike to bring more of his SF peanut brittle. Wendy was told, no, wine is not allowed. LOL
I hope you can make it Saturday. Chili's does have some things on their menu that you can eat during the pureed stage.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.