Gallbladder STILL causing probs
And I don't even have one anymore!!!
As soon as I eat, I start cramping and feeling hot and nauseous. Then I have to go to the bathroom. Lately when we are at a restaurant, I have to get out of there because the food smell is so atrocious that it makes me want to vomit. I cannot stand it... regardless of where we are.
Has anyone else had this problem that had their gallbladder out, and how long does it last, and what will help it?
I don't know what will help it. When I had my gallbladder removed, the surgeon told me it would take about 6 months for my body to adjust. It took more like a year but I also had IBS to deal with.
I don't know how our altered innards will affect the healing process.
My surgeon called it the "gallbladder trot". LOL
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I had my gallbladder out 15 years ago (I was 25 then) and I still have problems. Especially after I eat I have to go to the bathroom within 30 mins. My doctor told me that it was because the bile has to go somewhere so it has to go up or down (if you know what I mean). It has gotten better over the years but it has never gone away.
Hey Melanie, I had mine removed in 1998, and never had another problem with it. I tend to dehydrate more now then I did when it was still in. I just got back from the hospital where I had to be given saline. I don't know what to tell you, could it be scar tissue in that area that is making you this way? It's a good possibility. You're body has been thru a lot in the last 11 months, I know that my scar tissue inside makes me have some serious pain, nausea, and even tear's up my bowels. That's why I have to see a surgeon for exploratory surgery to laser the scar tissue on the right side.
I wish you well. Love ya, Kathy

Yes, I would never have believed you can have gallbladder problems without a gallbladder but it is possible. About a week after having my gallbladder removed, I had to have a surgical ERCP to do a surgery/correction of my bile duct. I finally recovered from that (it was in December). It took me a while to recover from all of that but then beginning in Feb-March my bile in the blood tests went on the rise agian. It has gone up over these past couple of month to more than double normal stats. They have sent me for tests and can not figure it out so they just assume that it is normal for me to have high levels since they can not find any problems causing it. I have some jaundice with even yellow tint to my eyes. And then about three weeks ago (9 months after having my gallbladder removed), I had a "gallbladder" attack without a gallbladder! I just thought I was insane and that the Drs would think I was insane for saying that but I promise it felt like I passed a gallstone. Just like the pain when I was having my gallbladder attacks. It was the WORST pain and even pain medicine did not make it go away. I could not stand up straight- I had to hunch over and the pain lasted for hours. I almost went to the ER but I decided to see if it would go away by morning and it did. I was in tears it hurt so bad. But since then, I think my bile levels may be going down. I emailed my surgeon about it and he is sending me to a specialist next week to retest my blood and to possibly do more test. I did some research online and it is possbile to pass stones without a gallbladder. Who would have thought it!! I am so disappointed to know that and I hope they figuyre out what is going on with me because I assume if they can not get my bile levels to normal, I have a higher chance of forming stones.
Not that you are going through that but I just wanted to point out that you can still have issues from your gallbladder being removed. In my personal opinion recovering from the removal of my gallbladder was MUCH worse than recovering from the RNY. But I think it is because I had more issues and had to do that second surgery within a week from the gallbladder.
I really hope you get to feeling better soon.
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