Is It Worth It

Susan J.
on 9/3/07 12:14 am - Madison, TN

I had to think about all of the things I am giving up for the rest of my life. high cholesterol diabetes joint pain shortness of breath sleep apnea GERD chest pain heart palpitations not fitting into booths in restaurants not fitting into seats at the theater, concerts, airplanes, etc. having people stare at me in disgust not fitting behind the steering wheel of my car fear of breaking a chair not being able to get on the floor to play with grandkids because I can't get back up early death Yeah, I'd say it's worth it. As for the holidays...roast turkey is very high in lean protein. Last year for Thanksgiving and Christmas I made crustless SF pumpkin pie that even my family loved. I had a bite of everything I wanted along with the turkey. I didn't feel the least bit deprived. In fact, I enjoyed not having that "stuffed" feeling after the meal(s). I eat whatever I want. The difference is I no longer want everything I see. Just because a certain food is put in front of me doesn't mean I feel compelled to eat it. I have resigned from the clean plate society! Susan

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 9/4/07 1:43 am
I wouldn't do it unless I knew absolutely that I had given my best effort to lose weight without it.  Only you will know if you have done so.  I've lost 170 pounds without surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 9/4/07 11:25 am - TN
If you want to be able to eat more normal amounts and types of food afterwards, you should consider the DS. I am 4 years out, at goal, and eat around 3,000 calories a day. DS'ers also tend to lose a larger percentage of their excess weight and to have fewer problems with regain than those with other types of surgeries. Now mind that with the DS, you do have some diarrhea and gas problems at first, although it mostly clears up after the first few months and it isn't ever uncontrollable. And you have to take more supplements and have your lab work done regularly. Here is a link to the DS forum: Feel free to visit this board and ask questions. Be sure you know all your options before surgery.
on 9/4/07 1:09 pm - Burns, TN
I try not to think of it as what I am giving up.....I think of it as an exchange. I have exchanged eating for living. What is better? Eating a snickers candy bar, or being able to go to a "Titans" football game for the first time because now you don't have to worry about fitting in the stadium seats? Eating pizza or going bowling with your friends? Pigging out at your Aunts on Thanksgiving, or fitting into that little black dress for the company Christmas party? ..... and these things aren't the most important .... here is the big question ..... Eating large amounts of any food, or living every day to the fullest without the physical and emotional pain of obesity.....and still there is one more important exchange .... the big one .... Humiliation, embarrassment, and shame or beaming pride, letting the real you shine and the encouragement you are for so many others ..... For each of us it is a personal decision....and it has to be yours.....when you are ready.....go for it!!!!!

Jancy In Waiting

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