Is It Worth It

Sue Johnson
on 9/2/07 6:26 am - Talbott, TN

I'm still waiting for my surgery date, but thinking about all the things we all have to give up for the rest of our lives, I thought I'd ask all you "losers".... Is it really worth it? Sue

Pam E.
on 9/2/07 7:44 am - Hermitage, TN
So far, (I'm 15 weeks out)....I would say ABSOLUTELY!   But that's a decision your going to have to make...
Sue Johnson
on 9/2/07 8:29 am - Talbott, TN
Well, as I'm waiting for my surgery date, I'm thinking about all the Halloween candy coming up, the Thanksgiving turkey and holiday treats.  I know indulging in that stuff is what put me here, but "for the rest of my life" could be a very long time. Sue
Elizabeth O.
on 9/2/07 9:51 am - nashville, TN
This was the easiest and the best desision I have ever made!  In 13 weeks I am down 82 lbs (Pre& Post) and I couldn't have done it without the RNY!!!  As for the holidays, I will miss tasting the candy but not fellowship and fun that come with the holidays.  Less food to eat more fun to have.!!!!!! Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

on 9/2/07 10:13 am - Springfield, TN
Yes It is Worth it. I do not regret my decision to have this surgery. It is the best decision I have ever made. You can still enjoy  some things just in very small moderation. I wish you all the best on your journey.

on 9/2/07 12:08 pm - Nashville, tn
Hi, As far as THIS years holidays will be kinda hard, BUT next year will be better. You'll still be able to eat food, just not as much. And to be honest, you'll not be as hungry and a little bite will be enough. Some foods will not taste as good as before and some will taste better. I enjoyed last years dinner, had a bite or two of everything and was stuffed. It sure was strange though NOT filling my plate twice. I feel like I eat like a normal person now. I can eat just about anything, just not much of it. I don't miss eatting like that either. When I had WLS I started out weighing 391, today I weigh 210. I can do anything I want now, I am LIVING again, and I'm having fun living too. Two years ago I sat and watched my grandkids play, TODAY, I PLAY WITH THEM.  I can go walk the malls with my daughter and NOT hurt. I spend time with my husband, He can put his arms around me now and It feels SO good to be held again. Two years ago I was just here, I am LIVING now. Is it worth it???? HELL YES Good Luck to you, Karen
on 9/2/07 12:10 pm - Madison, TN
Let's see.   Do you want to eat what you want for the rest of your life? Then its not worth it. Do you not like getting sick after you eat?  Then its not worth it. Do you like sweets and want to eat them?  Then its not worth it. But, do you want to be healthy?  Then its worth it. Do you have comorbidities that only losing weight can get rid of?  Then its worth it Do you want to be thin?  Then its worth it. Do you want to improve your love life (Ok I have to be realistic.  It has helped MY love life). Then its worth it. Do you want to wear clothes that look good on the hanger, and on your body?  Then its worth it. Do you like to walk several miles without feeling out of breath and like you are going to die?  Then its worth it.   Do you want to have self confidence?  Then its worth it.   These are just a few that I have found in my own life.  I think its worth it. But thats something only you can answer.


on 9/2/07 12:30 pm - McMinnville, TN
I had a rough time post-surgery due to constant nauseau and vomiting and ended up going home with a tube in my old belly which I fed myself through for about 8 weeks. I also had two strictures which they had to go down my throat with a scope and open up. I had surgery 10/19/04 and yes, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas that first year was hard, but it got easier the next year. I've lost down from 383lbs to 187lbs and would do it again in a heartbeat even with all the problems. This surgery has given me my life back. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis shortly after my surgery and have no doubt that if I still weighed 300+ lbs, I'd be in a wheelchair instead of walking today. Kelly in Middle TN 383/363.5/187/165 highest/presurgery/current/goal



Kathy Newton
on 9/2/07 2:19 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Sue, I have no regrets.  I had a choice of having my surgery before Christmas, but I didn't want to ruin my son's holidays or their dinners that they do every year.  I waited until the first Monday available in January.  This was a resolution I wouldn't be able to break.  I am almost 20 months out, I have gone thru denials from surgeons, finding out I had Leukemia prior to surgery, the dispare that I wouldn't be able to have the surgery. I was in a power wheelchair.  I found a surgeon who was able to give me back my life.  Regrets, no just wish I had been able to do it sooner but impossible when you have a broken hip and pelvic.  I started out at 299 lbs in November 04.  I was fastened to a chair, holding my grandson of one month.  I went into surgery in January 06 I was 277 lbs.  My goal was 130-140, I never had a tapering off time, never went weeks without losing any weight, I was at my goal at my one year check up in January 07.  I weighed 135.  I am now down to 118, have had my tummy tuck and on October 2 I will be having my thighs done.   I don't miss being so stuffed up from over eating at the holidays and being sick from it.  I eat a bite of each of my favorites (usually about 4 bites and I'm full).  I can't wait for the Holidays to come this year, I am doing the Thanksgiving dinner, and my sons do the Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve.  But I will get to enjoy my family more being on my feet, in shape, and I love being petite now. I love shopping even at Goodwills.  I just have to look at something and know it will fit and look great on me.  I am healthier now then I have been in a long time.  Oh I still have Leukemia, and Meniers Ear Disease, but I control them not them controlling me.   You have decide for yourself if eating lots of food makes you happy or losing the weight, get rid of some comorbilities and being in better shape will make you happier.  I have had more dates since I lost the weight then I have since my divorce in 1998.   May God guide you in your decision and travel with you on this journey.  Love
 Kathy Newton

Brenda H.
on 9/2/07 3:31 pm - APO-AE , Germany
Sue,   For me it was diffently worth it!!! I have lost 71 lbs in less than 4 months. I never would have been able to do this without the surgery. I am off of all my medications and have been since the day of the surgery. except throid meds which I will take for the rest of my life. I feel so much better and healthier already. I haven't felt this good in years.  I have missed dinners for birthdays and bbq's for the holidays. It was and is hard but I look at myself and say yes it was worth it.  When I first got out of the hospital I was saying to myself..."What have I done to myself ?" but now I am very happy I did this. But like everyone has said.... it is up to you to decide weather it is worth it or not. Brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


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