Kathy Newton
on 9/2/07 3:04 pm - LaVergne, TN

I need to vent and then maybe I will be able to sleep.  The hottie next door, Calvin, has hurt my feelings and the more time that goes by I angerier at him.  Tonight, I walked for 2 hours over the entire project.  This was 5 times at a brisk walk and half a bottle of water.  I only stopped because the bursitis in my right hip let me know it didn't appreciate the walk.  I was called a ***** stuck up ***** threathened to have the police called on me for tresspassing, I live here.  I guess the neighborhood isn't used to seeing someone walking so much instead of sitting on their front porch.  I didn't get tired, dizzy, or lose my balance.  One guy wanted to talk with me, told him if he wanted to talk, he had to do the walk, as I wasn't stopping.  One wanted my skinny butt in his bed, I told him he had to get in shape if he wanted me.  Another wanted to know where I lived, I gave them Calvins address even tho he lives next me, instead of my address.  Women told me to take my skinny ass back to where I belong, I said they must be jealous.  I was called a ***** then, some I have gotten to know, said I better stay in the area.  I just waved to them and kept walking.  I made sure when I slowed down and just walked to my apartment that Calvin knew I was angry at him when a neighbor asked me why I was so angry and not at Calvin's.  I'll be at the next Obesity walk, or die trying.  I don't know where to buy one of those meters that tells you how far you have walked.  This was the first time in 4 years I wanted to really walk, and it felt great except for the hip.   It can just get used to the torture and realize it's not going to get babied because it's in pain.  I did my stretching excercises before I started out, and cleaned my entire apartment excpet for finishing the tub and the floor.  The more I worked, the angrier I got at Calvin.  MEN.   Why are they nice one minute and pigs the next?  By the way, where's Scott and Daniel been hiding?  Haven't seen Daniel on here in quite a while. Emotions of the heart are hurting, I am with Juanita on this one.   Thanks for letting me vent.  Off to take a shower, love y'all  see you on Saturday.

 Kathy Newton

on 9/2/07 10:48 pm - Springfield, TN
Kathy,  Sorry you were hurt this way. I wouldn't let what all these mean spirited people say stop you from walking and getting the exercise you need. I  truly hope things work out for you. As for me, I was dealing with some personal demons that were questioning and testing my spirit, nothing to do with anyone else but myself. I hope you are able to over come your hurt feelings and continue to do what is good for you. Juanita

Kathy Newton
on 9/3/07 2:58 am - LaVergne, TN
Thanks Juanita.  I wasn't just hurt by Calvin, I became angry with him.  My bursitis in my right hip is letting me know it didn't appreciate it one bit.  I even soaked it for two hours in a hot tub but woke up this morning and can barely stand to move around.  I'm going to put some Ben Gay on it tonight before I go walking.  I am going to drive my route and see just how far I did walk last night so I will know when I go tonight.  The anger isn't there anymore.  I just feel hurt.  But I got a lot done yesterday while I was angry.  Except for finish cleaning the bathroom and the floors.  But I don't have a mop, I am not going to sit and wash all the floors by hand.  Just the bathroom.   What was so good about last night, I am a smoker and I never got short of breath, no dizzy spells or feeling off balance from the Meniers ear Disease.  That was such a rush, since I hadn't been able to work out for a year, and have never walked that much in 4 years.  To be able to do it felt great except for the hip.   Love ya, take care and I will keep you in my prayers. 
 Kathy Newton

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