Calling all Prayer Warriors!
Freddie, What Im going trough seems really trivial and small compared to what others go through. All I know is that I appreciate your prayers and I know God will see me through this. It just helps to know I have friends who care and that are there for me. Thanks for the Smile you just brightened my day. Juanita
on 9/2/07 10:01 am - Cleveland, TN

Juanita, you know you have my thoughts and prayers coming your way. It goes without asking. You are so special to us and to God, that He will see you thru this trying time. If it weren't for God and this board, I would hate to think where I would be. I have gotten stronger just knowing there are so many out there praying for me, and for you.
Remember he never gives us more then we can handle., so just put it in his Hands and let him help you.
I love you,