Any Suggestions for Constant Nausea?
on 9/2/07 6:06 am - Greenfield, TN

Today I had nausea alll day long. I had not had any nausea prior to this and I am 3 weeks out. I remembered hearing something about pickles/pickle juice. I had a small dill pickle and drank a tiny bit of juice and didn't have nausea after that. I had posted on the main board about nausea and alot of people recommended warm tea like peppermint that is suppose to help. Dr. McDowell's nurse said mine might be sinus drainage draining into my pouch and making me sick so to get some otc decongestant so I did that as well. Plus a rx of zofran. On the board about the pickle juice, someone said on that Big Medicine there was a lady who had bad nausea and she had a pickle and it made her nausea dissapear. I'd say try a little, at your own risk, lol others might get mad at me for suggesting that, but has worked for several people :-)