Attn: Goodwill shoppers, I actually did it
Now that I have your attention, this has nothing to do with Goodwill shoppers. Though I did go buy me a sweater to wear in these freezing businesses.
Wednesday evening I was actually able to walk at a brisk walk to the office and get my mail and walk home again. I didn't have any dizzy spells from the Menier's ear disease, I wasn't breathless, or tired. I felt like the energizer bunny. Thursday at Physical Therapy I did the bike, then asked if I could do the tread mill. I haven't been able to do the tread mill since breaking my hip in Sept. 03. I had it set for level 3 for a brisk walk and made it for 8 minutes. Then I had to do the stretching excersizes for my hip. When I got home that afternoon, I waited until it was a little cooler, and walked up to the mailboxes again. I fell asleep while at Calvins. I was worn out. But felt good.
I didn't do much yesterday as I think I stretched the hamstring in my right thigh when stretching my hip. I'm going to drive around and measure the distance so I will know how far I am walking. I plan on being able to attend next years walk-a-thon. Calvin said he would go with me to the Lebanon Park so I'm not walking by myself in the evenings. It felt good getting back into working out after having to take a year off.
I really missed it. See you Saturday

Thanks Juanita, they start me out on the bike for 10 minutes when I want to go longer. Then they let me do the tread mill for 8 minutes, that felt good. But the hamstring and hip have to go thru a series of stretching excercises and those I hate. The hamstring is really tight causing problems with my right hip. I do them but I sure do hate the stretching ones. Each time it's painful afterwords. But just knowing I can now handle the tread mill, makes me want to do it some more.
They won't allow me any longer time frame because of my dizzy spells and having no balance. But a little more each time would be great. See you on Saturday.