Venting--The only safe place.

Justin W.
on 8/31/07 5:02 pm - Hohenwald, TN
If you don't like hearing non-weight loss related whining then don't tune in to this channel but I need to vent somewhere. Here it goes.... Some time about a month ago I have a best friend whose family is like mine own. His father, who we will call DAD just moved back to TN from Michigan and desperately needed to be back on his own two feet and needed a job, so my fiance and I lent him an older car that we recently stopped using (so he could drive back and forth). This car belonged to me fiance's late grandmother, the same woman who raised her and loved her until her last breath and in the midst of a family screwover.... this car is all my fiance had that was her grandmother's. So, women as well as sensitive minded men can imagine the sentiment behind this car. So, we let him borrow the car and he lives with his daughter, DAUGHTER, and DAUGHTER'S boyfriend, BOYFRIEND and the BOYFRIEND'S BROTHER... We'll call him **** you'll see why later. Well, DAD went to work the other day with a co-worker and hid the keys in the house. Some time that day **** took the car to a city nearby. Well, DAUGHTER and BOYFRIEND knew about the incident about 3 pm or so and they sent us a text message 6 hours later telling us what had happened... a TEXT MESSAGE 6 HOURS LATER!!! Well, we call the cops and try to file a stolen car report. They tell us they can't because we lended the car to DAD, they told us it was a "civil" matter. So... we go to the city and try to find the car, I spent four hours in every known trailor park, apartment complex, low income housing and neighborhood in town. We find out that the brother of **** who lives in that city actually lied to us about **** being there. The brother let him stay there.... and so the next day I go Dog the Bounty Hunter and pretty much stalk the guy. I find out his workplace, where he lives and etc. Soooo.... we talk to the brother who lives in the city and he says he is sorry and didnt know the car was stolen and didn't know where **** was. So now we finally find out after calling every police figure around that the **** is serving jail time and that he has sold the car to a well known drug distributor. Well, then **** lies and says it was his brother's car and then turns his story and says we let him borrow it. He tells the cops who he sold the car to, they call the guy who we will call CRACK and CRACK says "Well, too bad, he sold the car to me." So, now the cops in the other city say they can't go to CRACK's house even though he admitted to having the car. They say all they can do is look for it in town on roads.!!! WHAT THE ()*&^&$*&$*$*#*#(##*#*# (Just imagine a really bad word lol) Well now you see the rock and hard place. The cops won't do jack because, well it's labor day weekend and they're too busy planning vacation... I find out that CRACK lives in a very bad gang neighborhood, on a dead end street with surveillance cameras at his house along with armed gang members patrolling the area. So here is my deal, I can either go steal the car with an old west posse like gene autry or something lol or I can wait for CRACK to stop doing and dealing drugs, go to church and just return the car on his own good time:) FEEDBACK APPRECIATED.

   Justin Warren
Alpha Gamma Rho 843
  UTM SGA Justice
   **  GOAL WEIGHT:225

Susan J.
on 8/31/07 8:54 pm - Madison, TN
2 questions Does your fiance have anything, car title, copy of grandmother's will leaving her the car, etc. showing that she owns the car? Did the cops ask **** or CRACK if they had a car title? Why couldn't you file a stolen car report against **** if you had loaned the car to DAD? He wasn't the one who took off in the car. He's not even related to the person you loaned the car to! Okay, that's 3 questions. But I have another one. What the ----? Is EVERYONE there nuts? Good luck getting the car back. It doesn't sound like you're going to get much help from the law. Unfortunately, it's situations like this that make good people think twice about helping others again.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Kathy Newton
on 9/1/07 6:17 am - LaVergne, TN
I agree with Susan, you will need proof like the title, the will, anything that shows your fiance actually is the owner of the car.  Present it to the police in that area and file a stolen report against "Crack", not only will that shut down his business but he'll also be charged with buying stolen property.  But you have to have the legal proof that you have the title, that the car is indeed in your fiance's name, and the will stipulating that it was left to her.  You'll have a stronger case then just your word.  Keep us posted on what happens.  You can always get M.A.D.D., doesn't that stand for Mother's against Drug Dealers, or against drunk drivers, no matter, we have enough weight and rolling pins, brooms, hoes, rakes, anything within our reach to help you fight the bad guys, just let the police know in that city that if they aren't going to do anything about it, you and a group of angry mothers will.  I need to vent some anger, so count me in.  Do you have a spare key?  We can knock out the bad boys from behind with rolling pins, and you take the car. At night of course.   Best of luck to you, hope it all works out for you.  Kathy
 Kathy Newton

Justin W.
on 9/2/07 2:05 pm - Hohenwald, TN
LOL Thanks for you all's replies.... Well, we do have proper paperwork showing title, registration is in her name. They are saying that we can't file stolen car because it was lended. There is our first road block. The other is that they have to have an arrest warrant or search warrant to go to CRACK's house and look for our car. And since no one seen him in the car on the road, or seen him in the car and testifies against him then they said that evidence against him is just hearsay. I think what happened was everyone in the police force (not everyone) but they have all been brainwashed into thinking criminals are good people too lol.

   Justin Warren
Alpha Gamma Rho 843
  UTM SGA Justice
   **  GOAL WEIGHT:225

Susan J.
on 9/2/07 11:46 pm - Madison, TN
But, the car was not loaned to the person who took off in it. That does make it a stolen vehicle! If the car is in Crack's driveway, they don't have to charge him. They simply need to recover a stolen vehicle. If he claims ownership, it is his responsibility to provide the title and bill of sale to prove it. You have the title to prove you are the rightful owner of the vehicle. That should be the end of the story. If he bought a car from someone who did not have the right to sell it, that's his problem not yours. Get a lawyer!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Kathy Newton
on 9/3/07 7:20 am - LaVergne, TN
I agree with Susan, the lendy did not have the right to sell the car, and as for a title, how could he sign it over when he didn't have the title.  That makes it a stolen car regardless.  They don't need a warrent to go to Crack's house to retrieve the vehicle.  Like she says, he would have to produce the title and bill of sale in order to have the car in his possession.  Drug dealers do not keep a paper trail like bill of sales.  Draws too much notice to the operation of their business.  Keep us posted.  Now I have taken enough law classes to know that regardless that it was lent to someone you knew, they in fact stole the car when they sold it.  Get a lawyer and start filing charges against the lendy and the crack regarding stolen property.   Later, Kathy
 Kathy Newton

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