Been missing you all so I'm back
Hey everyone. Is everyone staying cool? we have been trying to get out very early to do the walk that there hasn't been a lot of time for posting but I am going to try to keep in touch here again. I've miss you all. If this heat doesn't get better I might move to the north pole. I'm ready for some snow. Coming from Ohio I some times miss the white stuff. I do love the winters here.
I have 4 weeks and 3 days to go before my surgery. I will start my liver srink diet and do my preaddmission testing the same day Sept 17th. The diet doesn't really worry me because I did pretty much the same thing for 3 month. My liver shoud be really srunk by my surgery.
There sure are a lot of new faces here. I am glad that so many people have been able to have this to help them get healthy again. Tuesday evening at the group meeting there were more pre-ops than post-ops. I have had 2 meetings of my own and both times only 1 person has shown up but we are becoming good friends and her surgery is 3 weeks before mine.
Better go for now and get ready for the
walk as soon as this fog goes away, no way am I getting out there in this. Take care everyone. Lee Lee