I'm Alive...Needing a little advice...

Kym B.
on 8/28/07 9:37 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
Hi everyone...let me start by saying thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes lately.  I really appreciate it...and the assurance you gave my nervous buddy Julie! Thanks especially to Sheila and Melinda for calling and checking on me...I love you guys! Okay, now I need some advice...or some information anyway...how can you tell if you are dehydrated?  I am going to see the doc Thursday morning so I'm sure he will let me know but I am curious.  The only things I can find on the net are related to children. I had surgery Friday and I know I have not gotten in anywhere near the water I need since then.  I am trying but everything I try to eat or drink makes me so nauseous that I can't get it in.  So now, I am not feeling really bad or anything, especially considering how crappy I felt the first couple of days, now I actually am starting to feel much better.  But I don't want to end up in the hospital again so here are the "symptoms" I am wondering about.  I have a really bad headache.  Sorry to be graphic but my pee is really dark. I have no apetite at all.  I have no energy at all.   So, any ideas...should I be worried or is this just normal for after surgery? Also, just wanting to know if there will be anyone at the next lunch who could use 18's?  I have some jeans and a few tops in 18's that are pretty nice...all casual, nothing dressy. Everyone is losing so quickly that I don't want to bring a bunch of things if no one could use them.

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


(deactivated member)
on 8/28/07 10:16 pm
Glad you are alive! Headache, lethargy and concentrated urine are all symptoms of dehydration.  You probably are dehydrated.  Push fluids, try popsicles and jello.  Call the doc and get something for nausea if need be. Paula
Kym B.
on 8/29/07 2:09 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
I have an appt. with Dr. Houston in the morning.  I am taking a packed bag because I am worried he will keep me.  I started throwing up this morning and threw up off an on all day.  I was able to get in an ounce of chicken late tonight but it made me so sick I really had to fight to keep it down.  I have gotten no fluids in today since every time I took even a little sip it led to gagging or throwing up.  My urine is now dark brown so there is no doubt I am dehydrated, I just don't know what to do since I am trying my best to push the fluids to no avail.  I have a prescription for nausea but it did not work even after two doses.  I am frustrated, not at the pain and feeling crappy, I mean that is bad enough, but this could not come at a worse time...school just started back, Scouts just started back...I am way too busy for this right now!  Glad to hear from you!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


(deactivated member)
on 8/28/07 10:28 pm - Greenfield, TN
Glad you feel better. Sounds like you are dehydrated to me. Better push the fluids today so, he want keep you tomorrow. Ellen
on 8/28/07 11:19 pm - Milan, TN

Glad to see "you" back on the boards, Kym , hope things go well for you and that you have a swift recovery.

Susan J.
on 8/29/07 2:39 am - Madison, TN
What Paula said, headache, no energy, dark pee = dehydration. I find that I am usually nauseated when I get really dehydrated too. Constant sipping until you get enough fluid in you to get past the nausea should get you through this. Hope you get to feeling better real soon! As for the clothing, we have several new ops who will probably be able to use your 18's. If not right now, very soon.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 8/29/07 7:32 am

Bless your sweet little heart!  I agree with everyone else, you have all of the classic symptoms. My daughter is the reigning queen of dehydration at our house.  She also gets really dizzy and can't stand up when she forgets to drink her water. Please bring you size 18s.  I'm not there yet but hopefully it won't be long! Hope you feel better! Freddie

  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
on 8/29/07 12:45 pm - Madison, TN
Kym When I was in the hospital, and the nurse had taken out my iv, I started getting really scared because I got so weak.  I could not hardly eat, or drink, and very very tired.  I know I was getting dehyrdrated really fast!  Luckily they put my iv back in and started the fluids back.  I agree with what Paula said.  Lethargy.  Boy that was a big one.  It scared me so bad because I could not even get out of the bed. I hope you are able to get some liquids in soon and get to feeling better!  Keep us posted.


Kathy Newton
on 8/29/07 1:25 pm - LaVergne, TN

Hi Kym, I spent the better part of Saturday evening in the ER from dehydration.  MY head felt like it was going to explode, I knew I was in bad shape when I passed out. I was able to push the button I wear to open my phone lines to Health Watch thru Medic Alert.  They had an ambulance there that fast.  Pinch your skin, if it doesn't go back in place, that's another sign of severe dehydration.  I too was nauseated.  I was given a bag of saline, medication from my head, and for the nausea.  The hottie next door came to pick me up and I was so out of it. But by the time we got back from Smyrna to Lebanon the Dilada had already worn off.  Because of this, I started feeling more tired,  couldn't keep my eyes open.  Found out today when I went for my monthly CBC at my oncologists office that I was one point off of get 2 pints of blood.  My counts were that low.  They gave me a shot to increase my red counts.

That happened because of being so dehydrated.  Now I am getting in all my fluids, still having a hard time getting in all my protein. 

My birthday is in 3 weeks, so y'all in lew of flowers, I want a magic bullet.  LOL  Love ya and take care to get those fluids in especially with all this heat.

Love ya, Kathy

 Kathy Newton

Elena Dench
on 8/29/07 8:42 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hi Kym,    I'm so sorry you're still having problems.  I was hoping you'd be feeling better after your procedure.  I hope your doc will be able to help you out and make you all better!!!    If you have jeans or shorts, I am currently in an 18 and would love a couple pairs.  I'm running out of things to wear and what I have is falling off.  Guess I'm gonna have to buy a couple belts to hold my pants up.    Keep us informed!  Hope you get to feeling better soon.  

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

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