As you guys can tell... I HAVE INSOMNIA!! lol I am always on extremely late or early pending on which worm you try to catch... Insomnia and sleep apnea what a combo...can't go to sleep and then don't get any sleep lol... Besides this random ranting.
I start my six month pre op, pre approval, pre life changing event diet today... Monday, and I have spent some time working on some forms, and I need to know if it is a good idea or useless and any additional information I need to include.
I have a daily food intake with a spot saying who i am, social, dob etc. at the top of every page on every form mind you with a place for date/week/month whichever applies. I have a blog type area describing the foods and at the bottom I have a total calorie intake... I have a place for myself and my PCP to initial. On the weekly version have no blog area and just a total calorie. I have a monthly with a blog type area for any major changes and a total calorie and then i have signature areas for myself and the pcp along with date areas.
i have a daily exercise log saying how long i exercised... and a blog type area for what i did and how far i made it... just general self progress. and the initital areas.. on the weekly i have the total weekly minutes exercised and on the monthly i have a blog for major changes in distance and etc and total minutes exercised along with signatures and date places
i have a weight loss log explaining weekly weight loss... i have a blog area for random comments from myself or my doc and saying what clothes i can fit in now and my current BMI. I have inital places and in the montly it looks exactly the same except for signatures and dates instead of initials...
I know this seems so much to read and I tried to simplify two hours of work but I can email the forms in .doc format if anyone needs a gaze, likes them for their diet or document and I would really like some feedback on this... I think with having tenncare that possibly all of this documentation might make them know i am serious and possibly accelerate approval process.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/07 10:24 pm - Greenfield, TN
on 8/26/07 10:24 pm - Greenfield, TN
Hi & welcome Justin. I just sent you a message to your OB mailbox.
Hi Justin. It sounds like you have plenty. I am not familiar w ith Tenncares requirement. I know my insurance requirement for the 6-month Diet was just proof that I went to the Dr once a month for weigh-ins and discussions about dieting. I also had to visit a nutritionist twice. I did not have to kee pa food journal although I have read where several people on here did keep one. I would say just to confirm with your insurance (TennCare) exactley what they need and make sure you get/do all of those. Hopefully these 6 months will fly by and you will b e getting your approval in no time.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Hi Justin!
Welcome to the Tennessee forum! It sounds like you are ready to roll! My insurance required vital signs for each pcp know, blood pressure, pulse, temperature as well as weight. I was required to set monthly goals and assess my progress. Sounds very similar to what you are doing. Good luck! We will be here if you need some support.
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/07 12:09 pm - Cleveland, TN
on 8/28/07 12:09 pm - Cleveland, TN
Hi Justin,
First off - congrats on starting your pre-op diet. You sound well-prepared and informed.
Secondly, I sent you a private message to your inbox. I'd love to see the documents you created for your documentation - they sound great!