? re: main stomach
When we have the RNY Proximal bypass, where does the main stomach lay? How would it be checked if there was a problem? Y'all know I have been having serious pay in the right side for 2 months now. Even tonight I had to go to the ER. I was dehydrated from losing so much body fluid over the last couple of days, (the hottie's kisses did that), plus having to stand outside from 7am until 3pm in the heat. All I had with me as I wasn't planning on having to stand in the heat that long was one bottle of water. So I lost more fluids. Plus I wasn't able to eat and now I have no appetite, had to force myself to just eat a bite and about gagged on that. The pain shot wore off by the time Calvin picked me up in Smyrna and drove me back to Lebanon. He's the hottie next door. I had another ct on the Pancreas but they couldn't find anything. Besides that's not where the pain is, it's lower. Any non stop tonight even after a shot of Dilada. Monday at 7am they are doing an ultra sound on that mass on my liver where the pain is attacking. But I'm wondering if there is something going on in the main stomach for this to flair up like it's doing and how would they go about checking that since they can't do the scope down the throat.
If anyone has any idea about this let me know. I don't see my GI Dr. until Friday for the ultra sound results, then Calvin and I are heading for Morristown to get a lot of my stuff. I'm going to ask my Dr. when I see him, plus call Dr. Colquitt about this and see if it's possible that another ulcer could have developed in the main portion of the old stomach. Milk for some reason helps with the pouch so that the chemo pills don't cause errosions, but it also seems to help the main stomach. Could it be possible that it's the old stomach that is flairing up in pain, like when I eat something with tomato base food? Open to ideas.
Thanks everyone. You know what they say about curiousity, it killed the Kat and brought her back to life again with milk. LOL

Hi kathy. Your "old" stomach is on your left side not your right. I only know this because when I had to have a surgical ERCP in December, they had to staple my old stomach to my skin to get underneath it. That was on the left side. I only know about the pancreas being on the right side. Also, a kidney but I do not think your kidneys would cause digestive pain if that is what you are having. Is your blood work not showing anylike (like pancreatitis) or anything like that?? Well , I am sorry you areh aving so many problems. Stay on top of it and make them find out what it is. Only you know your body and what is normal and not normal so make sure they keep looking till they determine and can do something to fix it. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Hi Misty, Dr. Colquitt's office said the same about the old stomach. And to check and see if more ulcers are in it, the only way to gain access would be surgery. The tummy tuck was only the removal of the excess skin so that ruled out major scar tissue. Dr. Colquitt's office is willing to see me and have me see their GI but since I have moved to Lebanon, I have one here at Smyrna and one in Morristown where I moved from. I am seeing my GI on wednesday morning for the results of the ultra sound on my kidneys, liver, abdomine, and pancreas that was done today. The MRI showed a mass on the liver, but even the radiologist looked at the films that the tech took and even did another on the liver himself and couldn't find a mass. It has been recommended that he the GI Dr. do exploritory and find out just what is the problem and fix it while I am still asleep for the exploratory surgery. Something is there and it doubles me over when I am lifting anything. It's not the bowels but they have been known to get scar tissue wrapped around them and cause problems. He did the colon test in June and the scopy down my throat a week later, then all this started up. So it is possible that there is scar tissue inside the bowel system and colon where he removed several pulps. I just know that when it flairs up, I am doubled over and it makes me so sick that I have to call for an ambulance because I want to passout from the pain.
Even the blood test that is done is normal except for one that shows the emzines of the pancreas and it's real high then drops too low in 2 days.
I have to head over to Morristown on Friday to pick up as much as I can get from the storage unit that will fit in my van, then get the rest when I go over in October. The hottie next door is off Thursday and Friday, but I don't know if he will have any gas money to fill my tan****il I get paid on Friday to pay him back, but he's going with me to help load my van since I can't lift anything.
I will be back on Friday as he has to work at 8:30 the next morning. Thanks for the help. I have been hospitalized, 6 CT Scans, one MRI, and today an Ultra Sound and they still can't find what the problem is, but whatever it is has to do with lifting, and it makes my blood pressure go up so it's not mental, they just don't know what is causing it, that's why the radiologist is recommending an exploritory procedure where the Dr. can actually go in and see what is going on.
I will post on Wednesday what I find out. Have yourself a great evening. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love ya