Employers in TN that cover WLS?
Hi Tammy!
I work for the State Department. They require a 6-month physician supervised diet as well as a psych. evaluation. I was turned down twice but the third time was a charm. I have CIGNA insurance and my case worker (Wanda) is fabulous! She calls me about twice a month to make sure that I am doing okay and see if I need anything. I love my case worker!
Good Luck!
Hi Freddie! Congrats on your surgery. My husband has an interview with TTU and I am hoping he will get that job so that I can have the surgery. Why were you turned down twice? I currently have BCBS of TN and they have an exclusion for WLS. Are there different state plans to choose from and if so, is their any one better than the other for WLS approval? Just trying to pre-plan. Thanks!
I was denied the first time because I had not completed the 6 month diet (I was on month 4.) I'm not sure why they submitted it but they did (not Dr. Spaw's office--another hospital.) The second time I was turned down was after I had completed the 6-month diet. They said that the records we submitted were not detailed enough. I switched surgeons at that point. After I got to Dr. Spaw's office, I knew that I was in the right place for me. They gave my PCP some detailed forms to fill out and resubmitted. I was approved within two weeks.
If your insurance has an exclusion for WLS, I don't know how you will get around that. The plans that I am aware of for BCBS require that you lose 10% of your body weight and maintain it for a specified period of time. I really am not the one to ask about any insurance other than CIGNA but I'm sure that you can contact the company and ask questions.
Good Luck!
Hey Tammy, My dh works for the state (he's a correctional officer) and we had rny two weeks apart last fall. He was denied in January of 06 because he didn't have the 6 month diet but once he got that under his belt he was approved in less than 48 hours when he appealed in October of 06. I slid in without submitting the 6 month diet (although I did have one ready to submit) and was approved the first time in October of 06 in less than 48 hours. They have since redone their requirements to always require the 6 month diet I believe.
Hope this helps,
Hi Tammy. Are you looking for employers in the Nasvhille area? Any certain type of employment? I know that Vanderbilts insurance allows it. So does Comcast. I know it doesn't depend on the insurance as much as the company. For example, we could both have BCBS but work for different companies and one allows it and one doesn't. It is something that has to be written into the companies plan. So, hopefully you will find a company that you can work for that covers it. Good luck.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Hi Misty! Thanks for the info. I live in Sparta/Cookeville area. I work for a co. that has BCBS but it has an exclusion to WLS. My dh is trying to get a job that will cover the WLS for me. He has an interview at TTU in September and I am hoping he will get it. But I was trying to find out what other employers might cover it in case he doesnt get this job at TTU. Sounds like a job w/the state is the only guarantee that will cover WLS in this area. My doctor told me last week that if I don't get this surgery, I won't live long so I am kinda desparate. If you hear of any other employers please let me know. Thanks!
My brother in law worked for T-mobile. He was approved in no time and acted like many were having it done. I think they have a call center in Nashville. Anyway if they're policies haven't changed...and I have another friend whose husband works for the state she was approved easily too.
Beth B. in Chattanooga