I shared this with my friends in the Yahoo! group, but I wanted to post it here for the rest of my accountability partners. This has been a rough week for me. For some reason, over the past few days I've had the urge to eat everything in sight. Unfortunately I did cave in a couple of times and ate a few things I shouldn't have. In my case, I (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) didn't get sick. It did however throw my metabolism into a tailspin and now I have to get back on track.
I've also been dealing with that dread problem of constipation that we gastric bypass patients encounter occasionally. Upon the advice of some rather wise folks I have started adding Benefiber to my diet, but as anyone who has gone from a low-fiber diet to one with lots of fiber, the first few days cause their own set of problems. I feel like an over-inflated Macy's balloon! 
The funny thing is that simply looking at the numbers, I'm perfectly on target for being five-and-a-half months out from surgery. (Yes, I'm a geek and have a chart…) Still, numbers don't always tell the whole story. Month to month looks great but I still have the same daily struggles as everyone else. So, if you're six months or less out and it looks like everyone is doing better than you are, just remember that we all have our struggles and go at our own pace. Just stick with it!
Remember (and I say this as much for me as for anyone,) this is a marathon, not a sprint!
Blessings to all!