Emergency??? Surgery in the Moring...aauugghh!
Kym honey, I don't know what to say. I wish I had taken that trailer, then I could drive you to Nashville. I am so sorry that you are having to go thru all this. But at least Dr. H is on top of everything. Most major hospitals will work with you regarding payments, and if there is absolutely no way of being able to pay, they do have the chartible where they just write the hospital bill off because they do get government funding for this reason.
I sure picked a fine time to quit smoking. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything, you have my numbers, don't hesitate to call me. At least they found your problem, and are doing something about it. That's good.
I love you, honey, most likely they will keep you overnight just to make sure everything is alright. Have Eddie call one of us in the Nashville area so it can be posted on how you are doing. Get some rest.