I am sorry you got Denied. Do not give up. Keep fighting. Why did they deny you? They have to give a reason and it should be something you can correct and resubmit. I believe I still have a letter that I sent with my second submittal to insurance. It was more of a personal letter of why I needed the insurance and how I have complied with all of their requests. I found a draft online and changed it to meet my needs. It is less of an "appeal" letter but I will let you see it. I need your email address. Email me your email address.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Denials are not the end of the just have to be aware of the situation, and then address it. I was denied twice. Trust me, it will be's all in how you present your case. Personally I think that my denials made me want the surgery MORE! I appreciate things that I really have to work for! The first thing you need to do is find out exactly why you were denied. Then, you just handle it. Don't get discouraged, just do what you need to do. It sounds like you have a great attitude (sometimes that is 99% of the battle!0 Good luck, sweetie! Freddie