Good luck tomorrow Melinda!!!
Alright, it is less than 24 hours and you are soon to be a size "2" well maybe after the swelling goes down, but could you have ever imagined that size associated in your decription, I know I could not have ever imagined being anything other than a 20 or 30 something before now!!! I am talking about size not age!!! LOL I know you are going to be just wonderful, I will keep you in my prayers, but make sure either your mom or Tim gives one of us a call to let us know how you do when you get out of surgery!!!
I am so excited for you!!!

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. They mean so much, as well as YOU! I have some wonderful friends. I am excited to get it all over and done with....
Having said that... this no gallbladder business is for the birds! Every time I eat, I get nauseous. I have to go to the bathroom but can't really "go" to the bathroom... it kind of feels like I have to be completely still in order to make the feelings pass or else it makes my stomach hurt. I am bloated. I am irritable. I hope he can give me some type of medicine or else I will never want to eat !
Anyway, ya'll be good and I will see you in a few days. I told Tim what you said, Susan about the smooth parts of the road... he laughed. He and my mother are going with me tomorrow.
Thanks all. Good night! (or in my case, goodnight means for at least 3 days!)