Good News, Bad News...Do you hear a train?
Sounds pretty confusing to me Kathy!
My out of pocket max 1500. Once I reached that, insurance paid 100%. Since I hadn't met that yet, I owed something around $1000.00. I was always under the assumption that you pay out of pocket until you meet your deductible and then the insurance company covers a certain percentage and you take care of the rest. And once you pay out of pocket to meet your out of pocket maximum, then the insurance company pays 100%.
I know the insurance ladies at Dr. H's office are pretty awesome. I'm sure if you ask them to break everything down for you and to double check coverage, they'd be more than willing to do so.
Good luck!
I'm so sorry you're having such troubles! First of all, I agree with April, the girls at Dr. Houston's office are awesome about getting you taken care of with your insurance, copays, etc.... My out of pocket was 2000.00 and Dr. Houston was out of network for me but the girls in his office worked with me and I was out only @ 1500.00. They will work with you. Don't get discouraged. IF you want Dr. Houston as your surgeon then that's what you should have. Don't just settle. You are worth the fight! (((HUGS))) Janie Dr. Houston 3/19/2007 304/235/160
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Thanks for your reply. I just was hearing one thing from Centennial Center, another from the surgeon's office, and yet another from Humana. I did some more checking and found that one of the docs in the group is a participating provider with my insurance company. I have contacted them and have an appointment to meet with Dr. Dyer Tuesday. Since I have already met all the criteria and have been approved for surgery I am hoping that this will just be a minor setback. I feel that in checking their credentials both surgeons are highly trained and qualified. Dr Dyer has more years of experience with the bariatric surgery and has done more procedures, so hopefull this is just a message from the good Lord letting me know that I needed to get some things resolved and this will hopefully be the resolution. The Centennial Center is a Center of Excellence as is the hospital, so I'm going to hopefully resolve my conflict and be ready for surgery soon. Looks like your surgery has been a successful! I hope I will do as well. Thank you again, Kathy