Awe shucks Rhonda, I thought just the hottie next door had me in his thoughts. I'm flattered, LOL just joking around. Thank you. I appreciate it and actually today has been a great day. I have rested more today due to a migrain from yesterday and two trips to the ER for help, but it's been a beautiful day. No pain, no cramps, no hassells just peaceful. May everyone always have at least one peaceful day, or at least one peaceful hour to themselves every day. It really helps releave the stress level. You're in my thoughts and prayers as is everyone else. I'm a survivor in the first degree.
Life could be worse. I could be having hospice coming in. UGH, glad I am not at that level and I pray that the second coming of Christ happens before I get to the point of everyone hanging around my bedside. Just happy thoughts. Love kathy