Today is the DAY!!!
Today is my big day! I am getting alittle nervous. I was on the all liquid diet yesterday and now won't be able to have anything until after the surgery. I spent 4 hours at the hospital yesterday getting pre-registered. I have to be at the hosptial by 12:30 and my surgery is schduled for 2:30. I will post again when I am able. My surgery is going to be at Baptist East Hospital on Walnut Grove, Rd, in the Ambulatory Center.
Hi Lisa,
Congrats on getting to your big day! You will soon be a loser! Sending you good thoughts for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in