Something is wrong!

Kym B.
on 8/20/07 12:38 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
Okay, before I tell you all what is going on...let me say that yes, I know I have to go to the doctor, I am going first thing in the morning.  The reason I am posting this is just to let you guys know what is going on just in case I am out of pocket the day of Melinda's surgery.  I have asked her to please have Tim call me and let me know if she has to stay overnight so I just want to cover my bases in case no one can reach'll understand why. As you know, I went to the doc last week and was told it was probably just red meat...well, I think it may be something more serious.  Since then, I have been unable to eat anything...I mean anything!  It hurts so bad to try and eat...I get these weird excruciating cramp like pains that feel like someone is literally reaching into my pouch and wringing me like a dish towel.  It feels like I am having a heart attack and that I am actually going to die.  The first time this happened Friday night, Eddie grabbed the bp cuff and it was normal...even my pulse was not it isn't bp.  He got the heating pad and I held it to my abdomen and it eased in about ten minutes but I can honestly say that this ten minutes was worse than labor...I am NOT joking, It was more excrutiating than full blown labor!   This has happened about five times this weekend...this is in addition to the pain when I attempt to eat.  Drinking hurts but not near as much...I can drink small amounts and be okay if I take it really slow.  I know I am dehydrated and I am starting to feel weak...I have lost 8 pounds since Thursday.  Now, before I get yelled at...why have I waited?  Because I was told that the red meat may take a little while to move on out and that I may be sore for a I was waiting, but this weekend tells me that this is not okay.  The final straw came earlier tonight when I tried to eat a supper I was very eagerly anticipating as I am HUNGRY!!!!!  Two bites and I was hurting...I put it down and told Eddie, "this is it...something is wrong and I am not taking it anymore."  So I will get in asap to see the doc. Please, everyone say some prayers that all the upcoming surgeries go great and don't forget Mel's surgery Thursday.  Several of you have my cell number...if Lord forbid I go into the you know what...I'll keep that with me. Love you guys...please pray for me!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


on 8/20/07 12:49 pm - Nashville area, TN
I just prayed for you to be fine, and to be able to come back home really fast. God bless and watch over you... as we know He does. Praying for God to send extra angels to watch over you.
Melissa M.
on 8/20/07 12:55 pm
Praying for you now.  I know everything will be okay.   Prayer 


on 8/20/07 1:21 pm - TN

Hate to hear that you’re having pains/issues.

 Let us know what you find out from the Doc.

By the way I got your friend request and tried to add you and it said you were already on the list???? Does this site have a friend limit???

 I’ve always been told you have to be smarter that the equipment you’re working on, so this OH web-site/computer is kicking my azz.

So who knows it may or may not let us be loser internet buddies.

Anyway hope you feel better soon.


     Highest weight          Date of Surgery        Last weight in
          489 lbs                         459 lbs                     374 lbs


                         G Man  

Kym B.
on 8/20/07 7:30 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
Hey Glen, not sure why it did are still on my "pending" list as pending your approval...strange...maybe it will work later.

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Kathy Newton
on 8/20/07 5:26 pm - LaVergne, TN
Kym do you still have your Gallbladder?  That's how I was before I had mine taken out.  The cramps and being sick to my stomach is my Pancreas and a mass on my liver.  Get it checked out asap.  Melinda will be fine, we're all here for you and her.  Most tummy tucks are same day procedures except for mine,  and we all know how bad that went.  But I'm getting the thighs done on Oct. 2.  If you still have your gallbladder you may have stones that is causing the problem.  Not fun at all.  Let us know what you find out.  May God be with you in your hour of need, love
 Kathy Newton

on 8/20/07 8:59 pm
Hey Sweet Kim! I am sending lots of positive energy and prayers your way!  Hopefully this is just one of those wierd things that happens for no apparent reason and then clears up as quickly as it appeared.  Lots of good thoughts! Freddie
  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/07 9:37 pm - Greenfield, TN
Kym,   Sorry you are having such a bad time. I pray they will find out what is wrong & get you back to your cheerful self soon. I will say a special prayer for you. Best Wishes, Ellen
Misty A.
on 8/20/07 10:23 pm - White House, TN
Kym, I amglad you are going to the Dr. Are you going to see your surgeon? Is this who you saw a couple of weeks ago? Did they run blood test? Do you still have your gallbladder? Sorry for all of the questions. But it does sound like something is going on with your gallbladder or pancreas. Make sure they run the blood tests. Or, it c ould be an ulcer but I do not recall having that kind of pain when I had my ulcer but I did have that kind of pain when I had my gallbladder issues. I honestly did not "believe" the red meat excuse because this just started with you recently and you have been eating red meat for a long time so something else is going on. Please stay on top of them until they find out what it is. Take care of yourself. I hope they found out quickly so you can get to felling better. Keep us updated as best as you can. I will be thinking about you!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Kym B.
on 8/20/07 10:58 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
Hey Misty, thanks for keeping me in your prayers.  I had my gallbladder out several years ago so I know it's not that...I am beginning to think it is a hernia.  Whatever it is, I hope they do something to relieve this pain soon.  I am going crazy!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


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