Help..... My hair is falling out

Brenda H.
on 8/20/07 12:47 pm - APO-AE , Germany
Ok I was told this would happen but I didn't know it would happen this bad.      What can I do to make my hair stop falling out. It was thin before surgery and if it keeps going like this then I will be bald before long and that won't be a pretty picture.   Right now it is coming out by the handfulls.   Wet or dry it doesn't matter. I am already thinking about Hair Club for Women.  Any and all suggestions will be greatly appericated!!!!!!! Brenda
Elena Dench
on 8/20/07 3:06 pm - La Vergne, TN

Hi Brenda,  Sorry to hear about your hair.  It happens; it's due to your protein intake.  However much you're getting now, you need to up it.  Preferrably above 80 grams/day. Hair loss due to low protein intake can happen to non-WLS people as well.   I now know that was why my hair was coming out in clumps (with stress added on) well before I considered wls.  Wish I had known it then!     Easy ways to increase protein: get nonflavored protein powder and add it to anything and everything (protein shakes, pudding, scrambled eggs, soup, etc); get the protein bullets (the 42gm bullet is the best, you can drink half of it, only 1.5 oz, and save the rest for later), eat more fish (tuna, salmon, shrimp, easy to digest and higher protein count than other meats).  Also maybe keep a protein log of your daily intake, so you know for sure how much you're getting.  Just a couple suggestions.  Hope it helps!  Good luck!

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Kathy Newton
on 8/20/07 5:16 pm - LaVergne, TN

Hi Brenda, this is normal.  Get more protein into your system.  That's easier said then done, but it's true.  I was taking Whey protein and staying sick to my stomach.  Being on Chemo twice a day was depleting my protein.  I'm on a soy protein unflavored, 3 small scoops is 32 grams.  My hair went from one hour to blow dry to 2 minutes, now back up to 15 minutes.  It will grow back in, just increase your daily protein.   My hair is coming back in baby soft and refine, but it's coming in. 

I can't remember to write down how much intake I get through out the day, after a bout of being sick to my stomach and having some many dizzy spells from Meniers Ear Disease, all I want to do is crash.  But you can do it.  Do it for yourself and for the rest of us that are rooting for you.  Blessed be. Love

 Kathy Newton

Kym B.
on 8/20/07 7:17 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
This is normal...around six or seven months, you will start noticing new growth peeking through as this is about the time the process reverses itself.  In the meantime, be gentle on your hair, massage the scalp a couple of times a day, up your protein if you can, and add a Biotin supplement to your diet.  Be sure your vitamins are "complete" and that you are taking them every day.  I lost lots of hair, so much that I chopped it off short and went blonde to help hide the scalp I'm 8 months out and it is growing back like crazy.  According to all the books and the docs, this is the normal timeline.  Hang in there...just not by your hair, lol!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Misty A.
on 8/20/07 10:29 pm - White House, TN
O hYes - the dreaded hair loss. I had that pretty bad too. I know i wasn't gettign in the required protein. It really does have to do with needing to up your protein. I luckily had THICK curly hair so when it fell out, it just looked like I got a haircut and people actually said it looked nice. Little did they know! hahaha. It did get really bad for me too.  One thing I heard works is using horse shampoo. Well, it isn't really "horse" shampoo but it is. It is made for people. I know that doesnt make since but it is that shampoo in the bottle - I forgot the name of it - but it is with the  shampoos and it is has stuff in it - like vitamins. I know this isn't making since. I guess I will have to find the name of it. I know the one I used years ago actually had a picture of a horses mane on it. hahaha. But it is supposed to work really well.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Brenda H.
on 8/21/07 7:57 am - APO-AE , Germany
Well I just got back from buying some protein bars that are very low in sugar but high protein and some biotin. I am going to take the biotin and up my protein daily.  Hopefull this will help some. I also got a different vitamin. I got some of the viactive chewables. The childrens vitamins just weren't settling well with my stomach. Hard for me to chew since I can't wear my bottom plates.   Thanks for all your advise. I really appericate it!!!!! You guys have been a lifesaver for me so many times.  Thanks again!!!!! Brenda
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