Surgery Aug 22 LapBand
I am scheduled to have my surgery next Wednesday Aug 22 with Dr Houston at Centennial. I am totally stoked and ready however I have some things which keep popping up.
What should I truly expect Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday?
Any of you have surgery at Centennial? LapBand?
Any extra support will be very helpful. I have only told a very select limited number of people. My wife who is 110% supportive and 5 others. The remainder of my support are all of the online friends I have made over the last several months on myspace, OH, lapbandtalk, etc.
Once again let me say how truly stoked I am. I am very excited, but I think I have the normal anxiety when it comes to any surgery. I am at peace with myself for my decision.
If you wish you can email me at [email protected] or message me here.
Much Love
Paul - The LBG
Hi Paul,
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I was freaked out right before my surgery and that was even after I saw how easy it was for my husband that had the surgery two months prior. Your surgeon or dietician will give you instructions on what to eat the day before or day of. If I remember correctly, I was on liquids or soft foods the day before and had my surgery first thing in the morning. Do NOT do the "last supper" thing. Trust me there is no food that you will never eat again. I went home the same day of my surgery. I had my gall bladder removed at the same time as the lap band and remember being very sore and just wanting to sleep. Did not want to even think about food - your stomach is swollen and sore so food was the last thing on my mind and again your dietician will give you instructions on liquids/foods following surgery. Just remember that the band is not designed to wor****il you have it filled to the right level for you so once your swelling has subsided your hunger will return until your fill and you will panic thinking that the surgery did not work but that is not the case. Men do especially well with the lap band. My husband lost weight more rapidly than I did but eventually I caught up! He was mowing the lawn the day after surgery and never felt any pain. He was always hungry and never could stay on a diet - the lap band has done wonders. He can eat whatever he wants - just not in the quantities he used to - he no longer needs the buffets and we actually share meals now!
Best wishes!
Good morning Paul I had my lapband surgery at Centennial in surgeon is Dr David Dyer. Thre surgeons at Tace buliding require an overnight stay Our surgery, recovery, and most other issues are different than those who have had RNY and other weight loss operations ..we post and deal with any problems and experiences we may have on the lap band forum ! Go to the top of this page .click on the word forum ,and then scroll down to lapband there is where you will get all the support and advice on lapband surgery and living with the band. . Best of luck to to you!
6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.