The surgeon from the VA Medical Center in Nashville just called me, the earliest he can get me in to do my thighs in October 2.
They will notify me as to when to come in for pre-testing and all that good stuff. They are also putting me in a scooter and installing a lift that will go inside of my van in September. Because of the Meniers Disease in my right ear, I no longer have any balance and suffer close to 20 dizzy spells and falling. I have even passed out from the spells. So when I am out, I'm to use the scooter. It will have an oxygen holder on the back in case it's needed.
Tomorrow I am having new tubes put back into ears. I have met two really nice men from the website Plenty of fish.com. One I haven't met yet lives right here in Lebanon. The housing office will be having a ramp put in to help me get the scooter in for charging. Now maybe I can not worry about falling or passing out in public, so embarrassing.
I am sitting on the floor using my computer. I have a recliner, and a blow-up bed as all my things are still in storage over in Morristown.
I am asking for a special prayer. I am over drawn by $600 at the bank. I only get in 1113.00 a month to live off. At this moment I have no clue how I am going to pay for everything at the first of the month. I am trusting God to come up with an answer. Hopefully I will be able to pay everything and get my stuff moved over. Right now, my butt or lack there of, is killing me sitting on the tile, so I am off to rest.
Love ya all

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 10:53 pm - Greenfield, TN
on 8/16/07 10:53 pm - Greenfield, TN
Hi Kathy, I know you have such a hard time with health & bills. I pray for you every night by name. I hope you get some good news soon & that your surgery goes well.
Hugs Ellen
thank you Ellen, I pray for everyone on this board also. It will go well, it's a different surgeon then the one that did my tummy tuck. They are from Vandy, and rotate every 3 months. The surgeon has already taken the pictures as to doing a thigh lift. He was very impressed at how well the scar from the tummy tuck is fading. Vitamin E, Aloe, and Cocoa butter helps to make the scars fade, and even on my face I don't have crow's feet around the eyes. I put it on me every where after I shower, and thru out the day I put it on my tummy tuck scar. Plus I haven't burned when outside as it seems to have some sunscream in it.
Need to go rest, still a little groggy from surgery yesterday. You take care with love