Well, Here we go! Pictures from yesterday
Good Morning Everyone!
I finally got the pictures edited and posted. Some of the pics are in my profile under the folder called "Lunch Bunch 8-10-07". You can follow the following link for easy access:
Lunch Bunch 8-10-07
For some reason OH was kind of hinky this morning, so not all the pictures are up. If you would like, you can follow the secondary link below to my FLICKR page and view what I have in a slide show format:
FLICKR: Lunch Bunch 8-10-07
For those that would like copies of the ones on FLICKR, , send me a private message with your home email and which pics you would like, and I will send them. Kym and Juanita, I need your email addresses so I can send you cute pics of your girls. I did not want to post them on the Internet.
Once again I will repeat what everyone else is saying, This was the best yet! Beth and I had so much fun. It was really great! I can't wait till next month. And I honestly believe R.J. has found his long lost brother!
And I can't believe my own daughter left without telling her Dad goodbye! Shame on you!
Have a great week!

Hey Scott ty ty for my bench .. I just love it ! I sure wish I was at the luncheon... hopefully next time.
I am missing Sue , is she ok .....does anyone know?
Thanks , A