Sorry I missed the Lunch Bunch
Hi Everyone!
I'm so sorry that I was unable to attend the Lunch Bunch this month. I had fully intended to be there but my daughter got sick and as we all know,,,Mommy Duty tops the list of priorities.
I heard that it was wonderful and the best attended to date. I hope to see everyone next month.
Hey Freddie, you were missed! Sorry your daughter got sick, and hope she is feeling better now! I would not know a thing about "Mommies duties", but those "Papa duties" can be killer!
Hope to see you next month! It sounds like you are doing pretty good. How are you feeling? Please keep us informed, or we will have to hunt you down! Just ask Shelia, she is ruthless! (LOL)
Have a great week!

Hey Freddie...I was looking forward to meeting you but I understand about your daughter. Actually, I figured it was because you are so new must be doing wonderfully to be even thinking about getting to the luncheon...the first one I was at after surgery was rough, but then again I had open...can't wait to see you next month!
Hey Kim!
I'm looking forward to meeting you, too! You are quite an inspiration to those of us who are newbies! Actually I am doing great! I haven't had any problems and am even back to sleeping on my tummy! So far, so good!
I used to live in Lawrenceburg when I was a little baby. My daddy was the minister at First Methodist there in town. Actually, the lady that I am named after still lives there. Her name is Freddie May Kelly. I love that town!
Can't wait to meet you in person!