Home again
Hi dear friends I am home again.. was kept longer due to a fever that just would not go away.TY to Sheila for coming to visit and bringing me a goodie bag
I am so sick of broth and Unjury powder.. I am going shopping tomorrow for something different. Still in a bit of pain but the walking should do me good... misssed you all. Ty for all your kind thoughts and prayers.
P.S. I gained weight while in the hospital... do not know how unless I am holding fluid. My tummy is distended and hard as a rock.

Hi Adrienne,
Glad to hear your home and moving around. Keep an eye on your tummy. If the distention doesn't go down, make sure you tell your doc. Weight gain is probably water retention related to the fever. You probably received a lot of iv fluids. Hope all goes well and you are a LOSER soon!!

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in
Thanks to all my dear friends. I am walking (in the house)and sipping water and drinking orange Nectar that Connie hooked me up with. Everyone has been just great!
I will try and get outside and walk some in the morning.Most of my pain is in my backside.All the nurses and Doc seem to think it was the way I was situated on the table ... but it feels like I have been kicked across my lower buttocks ,sitting or on standing it screams PAIN.
A bit of the hardness has gone from my tummy and I am doing what all you have done.... wait ........LOL.
Get well soon Kathy!
Love yas, A